Introducing "No Homework Day" Increase the time to interact with your family! Matsue Jan 16 4:38

Elementary schools in Matsue City don't give homework to their children once a month, with the suggestion that children are less busy with studying and sports activities and less time to interact with their families. , Was decided.

Uchinakahara Elementary School in Matsue City will introduce “No Homework Day” this month. The third Sunday of every month for all grades from grades 1 to 6 is designated as "No Homework Day" and no homework will be given on Fridays before the holidays.

The school and PTA agreed upon the indication that children were spending less time studying and doing sports in the community, and less time spent interacting with their families.

It is hoped that it will make it easier to plan family trips and help children to do whatever they want.

This elementary school, with the trial period set to March, will examine the actual situation and effects, and will aim for full-scale introduction after the new semester.

It is noteworthy that “No Homework Day” will spread to modern children who are challenging to study and exercise, such as “No Overtime Day” for working adults.