The German Nutrition Association explained that there are three snacks that help get rid of the common cold quickly, because it provides the body with vitamins and important elements to strengthen the immune system, and it also has an acceptable taste for many.

Oatmeal flakes
Zinc is an important nutrient for the functioning of the immune system, as it enhances the body's own enzymes, and vitamin C is used only when bound to zinc. Oatmeal is one of the most nutrients containing zinc.

Dark chocolate
A British study confirmed that dark chocolate helps cure cough because theobromine, which is the active substance in chocolate, helps relieve the severity of a cough, and that chocolate after chewing forms a protective layer on the mucous membranes that are sensitive to the throat, and it should be noted that the darker the color of the chocolate The better.

For the treatment of colds, the body must be supplied with a lot of vitamin C, which is important to strengthen the immune system. This vitamin is abundant in citrus fruits, but care must be taken when developing sore throats, since oranges may work to irritate the mucous membranes in the throat.