The investigation continues into the incident that the masked thief stormed the house of doctor Fadi Al-Hashem, the husband of Nancy Ajram, and it turned out that the thief's pistol was plastic, and that the number of bullets fired by Al-Hashem is 16 bullets, which stopped the investigations and did not show the leaked videos from the house.

Nancy Ajram expressed her anger at the arrest of her husband, saying, "Fadi al-Hashem is the most noble person who did what he did to protect his house and his family and must be released quickly." Corridor, the owner of the house pulled up his gun and rushed in his wake, unloading all the bullets of the pistol before he reached his girls' bedroom.

The judicial police officers listened to the statements of the three guards of the house, while Al-Hashim doctor continues in Al-Hayat Hospital, where the guardians are insured, and he is treated for the shock of what happened in his house and the accompanying developments that led to the death of the storming of the house.