NASA is close to completing a rover before launching a flight next year to search for evidence of previous life on Mars, and lay the foundation for a mission by NASA to send humans to the depths of space.

On Friday, NASA demonstrated its Mars 2020 spacecraft, for which an official name will be chosen at the beginning of next year. In February, NASA will send this spacecraft to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where all three parts will be fully assembled, and NASA will be launched. That wandering vehicle in July to the bottom of a dry lake on Mars is larger than Manhattan Island.

Upon landing on Mars in February 2021, the four-wheeled vehicle, the size of a car, will bulldoze the bottom of Gezero Crater in Mars, a 250-meter-deep crater believed to be a lake the size of Lake Tahoe, in the United States. Much of the virgin sediment, about 3.5 billion years old, which scientists hope will contain fossils of Mars’s life. "However, the difficulty is that we are looking for trace levels of chemicals that go back billions of years on Mars," Matt Wallace, deputy director of the Mars 2020 project, told Reuters. The rover will collect 30 soil samples, and a spacecraft that NASA plans to launch in the future will return it to Earth. "Once we have enough, we will put it on the ground and another mission will come, which we hope to launch in 2026, it will land on the surface and collect those samples and put them in a missile essentially," Wallace said. And humans have never recovered sediment samples from Mars.

Wallace said that the results of the Mars 2020 research project will be important to send missions from humans to Mars in the future, including the ability to make oxygen on Mars. The Mars 2020 rover carries equipment that can convert the carbon dioxide circulating in Mars into oxygen for breathing and for use as fuel.

If successful, the "Mars 2020" spacecraft will be the fifth spacecraft sent by "NASA" and landed smoothly on the surface of Mars after learning important lessons from the latest spacecraft that "NASA" sent to Mars, which is a Curiosity that landed on the surface of the red planet in 2012 and is still roaming in one of the plains Southeast planet Gezero Crater.

- The rover

She would scrap

Hole deep

250 meters away, it is believed

It was a lake.