Although orange is considered one of the favorite fruits of many, and the demand for and consumption of it increases in the winter, due to its health benefits in fighting colds and influenza, its benefits exceed what is circulated or is known to contain a number of vitamins important to the human body.

In a study conducted by Assistant Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Yu Wang, on the role of orange peel in disease control, I found, "Sputnik Arabi", an important role for the cortex in preventing the formation of fatty lining in the inner layer of the arteries By improving bowel function.

Another health benefit of orange peel is that it protects against arteriosclerosis. According to Wang's study, orange peel extract can modify microbes in the intestine and protect against atherosclerosis (a heart disease in which fatty deposits lining the inner wall of the arteries).

Orange peel contains ingredients that contribute to the production of the trimethylamine compound, which delays hardening of the arteries.

Another benefit is the prevention of cancer. Researchers have found that citrus peelings - including oranges - are effective in general, in preventing cancerous activities in the body, as they are hypoallergenic, as dandruff contains effective compounds that affect the immune system, and it also prevents the release of what It is known as histamine, which causes allergic reactions.

The orange peel also has the ability to promote the health of the skin, as the orange peel contains large amounts of vitamin "E" and antioxidants, which help in preventing the appearance of spots and wrinkles in age, in addition to containing vitamin "C", which reduces the appearance of signs caused by Early disability.