The "holistic health depot" website said that the ingredients of the meal and the method of preparation determine whether or not the food is healthy. Sugar, sodium, and fats (saturated and unsaturated) are some of the ingredients, the quantities of which must be checked or if the meal is free of them when shopping.

The site provided examples of nutrients that should be reduced from eating and suggests healthy alternatives to them as follows:

1- White bread
Refined wheat is used to make bread in commercial quantities. Refined wheat contains a small amount of fiber and a large proportion of sugars. When consuming large amounts of white bread, the percentage of sugar in the blood increases. But white bread can be replaced with whole wheat bread.

2- Sweetened cereals
Cereals made with shapes similar to rice, corn, wheat and oats are not healthy, as they contain a lot of added sugar. To make matters worse, most of them were baked from refined flour, plus sugar. It is recommended to eat natural rice and unprocessed oats.

3- Fried and grilled foods
Experts stress that the most unhealthy way to cook is barbecue and frying. Some chemical compounds are formed when foods are cooked using these methods due to high temperatures. For safety, it is advisable to choose cooked meals in traditional or steamed ways.

4- Pizza
Pizza is one of the most popular fast food. The harm in eating pizza sandwiches is that some of them contain processed meat as well as frequent heating in the case of pizza that is sold frozen or sold in large commercial quantities. But it is not necessary to refrain from all sandwiches, but it is advised to choose the types of processed meat free, and it is preferable to eat home-made pizza, as it is the best.

5- French fries
Boiled potatoes are very healthy, but french fries come in contrast. French fries are high in calories and therefore lead to obesity. It also contains a large amount of acrylamide, which increases the risk of some types of cancer. Cooked potatoes are recommended to eat and potato chips can be replaced with nuts or small carrots.

6- Low-fat yogurt
Yogurt is generally healthy, but most ready-made yogurt in stores is unhealthy, because it is low-fat and rich in added sugar, and most importantly it does not contain good bacteria because it has been pasteurized with milk and thus all the probiotic bacteria in the milk have been killed. Experts recommend choosing a full-fat yogurt that contains probiotics because it offers many benefits.

7- Processed meat
Some types of raw meat are healthy and nutritious, but processed meats are harmful to health and infect humans with many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer, due to the preservatives added to them.

8- Chocolate
Most types of chocolate are unhealthy, as they are rich in processed fats, sugar and refined wheat flour. You should review the ingredients of chocolate before eating it and it is advised to eat sugar-free chocolate.

9-Soft and sweet drinks
Drinking large quantities of soft drinks increases your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Experts advise to replace coffee, tea, soda and soft drinks with pure drinking water. Experts suggest adding a slice of lemon to add flavor to the cup of water, taking into account the intake of 8 cups of pure water daily.

10 - Most fruit juices
It is widely held that fruit juice is healthy because it contains vitamin C and antioxidants, but many overlook the fact that it also includes large amounts of liquid sugar. But not all fruit juices are unhealthy, as blueberry and pomegranate juice are healthy juices despite the presence of sugars. Experts advise eating fruits ripe and if eating fruit juices take into account that this is not daily.