The year-end holidays are traditionally a time for feasts, but overeating sweets or fatty foods, or just eating too much, can create undue pressure on the gut, so health experts recommend eating healthy, balanced meals during the holiday season as well.

It is also important to eat slowly and carefully, and leave enough periods between delicious things such as cakes or chocolate, and if this is not adhered to, one of the possible consequences is that a person will have a heartburn, in which case fennel tea, chamomile, or licorice can be used to alleviate the problem.

A hearty meal, such as grilled goose with dumplings and red cabbage, can cause indigestion, causing you to feel bloated. If you have a meal like this, it is best to eat smaller portions. While some believe that eating some drinks after meals will help get rid of a full stomach faster, coffee experts recommend to aid in digestion.

After eating sweets or other "simple carbohydrates" - that is, fast-digesting carbohydrates that raise glucose in the blood quickly - you will probably feel hungry again after a short time, and the reason for this is high blood sugar levels, which leads to increased insulin secretion to distribute Glucose on the cells, followed by a rapid decrease in blood sugar. So you should beware of processed foods that contain refined sugar and white flour.