We would like some countries to shake off the ashes of the victims of World War II from their grandfathers uniforms, rewrite history, put on undeserved medals and medals and turn from Nazi accomplices into their winners. If they are given such an opportunity, they insultingly put the Third Reich and the USSR, Hitler and Stalin on a par. It was precisely such a danger that the foreign ministers of 11 countries of the world, including Russia and Serbia, declared, demanding that the historical truth about World War II be preserved and not distorted.

Relatively recently, I had a long conversation in Vilnius with the editor of one of the Lithuanian newspapers of a clearly right-wing kind. The editor, for whom I was a representative of, of course, the German media, was interested in the chances of the right to gain power. At the end of the conversation, clearly wanting to flatter the “German,” he took off his jacket, under which was a T-shirt with the emblem of the Waffen SS legion. This is not a phenomenon of Lithuania. This is the way of life of all the Baltic countries, which until relatively recently were considered the most Soviet of the Soviet ones. Now they are front-line fighters for the purity of the race.

No, I’m not exaggerating - over the past few years, these three Baltic countries have led the front line for rewriting history. For them, the SS man is better than the Red Army, Hitler is better than Stalin, and Russian is the language of the aggressor. Therefore, they courageously fight with monuments to the Soviet soldier, uproot the Russian language, declare Russia an adversary, erect monuments to the Nazis, pay a pension to SS veterans, and allow the sale of Nazi literature.

This is part of the life and identity of those who today love to scream from any rostrum, as Stalin enslaved the whole of Europe. Do you know how to identify a modern neo-Nazi for whom Hitler is almost a hero? He will always tell for his own alibi that his best friend is a Jew. By their logic, if you have a Jewish friend, then you cannot be an anti-Semite.

Once the son of Gauleiter and Reichsfuhrer of the NSDAP Rudolf Hess, Wolf Rüdiger, told me the story that his father told him. On the day of the Jewish pogroms in Berlin - on Kristallnacht - Hesse Sr. was informed about the pogroms of Jewish houses and gesheft that had begun.

“Then my father immediately called Hermann Goering and demanded that Thomas Mann’s family should not be touched and given the opportunity to leave Germany,” Wolf Rudiger told me and proudly added: “That's how my father saved the Jewish family.”

Yes, he saved seven “his Jews”. And the remaining six million?

By the way, on this day the son of Hess turned one year old. During this tearful scene of the Nazi rescue of the Jewish family, he was sitting on the lap of his named father, Adolf Hitler.

Alibi. Europe needs an alibi, and the role of Jews has long been played by Soviet, now Russian people. To hide their terrible past, in which they themselves were on the side of Hitler, it is urgent to find the guilty. And this is Russia.

But Europeans are somehow scared to tell the grandchildren of the victors in the Second World War that their grandfathers were worse than the Nazis. And then the Jesuit plans come into play. For example, to remove the corpses of Bandera and Shukhevych from the musty graves, make heroes of them for some Slavs and set them on other Slavs. And all with the same arguments, with the same slogans a la Baltic.

The Russians are aggressors, the Russian language is hostile, in the Second World War (more precisely, in the Patriotic War) the Ukrainians played the main victorious role. You remember: the Ukrainian front took Berlin, and the OUN-UPA * bravely fought against Hitler and Stalin. As for the Ukrainian front, I would like to ask a very slippery question. If nationalists claim that the Red Army has nothing to do with Berlin taking the Ukrainian front, what about the myth of millions of raped Germans? Who raped them in this case?

I have been more than once in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where Stepan Bandera was kept for some time. Scribes of history from Ukraine talk about this period as heroic. He sat, however, separately from the others, in a spacious cell, practically with amenities. Bandera did not go to work, they fed him three times a day. And while sitting in the camp, he retained the full opportunity to communicate and manage his gangs, which in police bandages robbed and killed civilians of his own Ukraine.

The French television channel ARTE made a good film about this episode, as well as about how Galicia division veterans are honored in Ukraine. They just showed the film only once and then quickly removed it to the archives.

German media compete in the speed of creating fakes about the Second World War. Die Welt, Deutsche Welle carefully hammered that there were no victories of the Red Army, that there were two totalitarian machines - the Third Reich and the USSR. That Stalin destroyed more people than Hitler. By the way, why don’t they write so if one of the most famous Russian journalists, Alexei Venediktov, openly says in his speech that the USSR was no less guilty of starting a war than Germany? Vladimir Pozner, without embarrassment, declares that he could hang watercolors of an amateur artist named Shiklgruber at home.

These people work out their version of World War II in exactly the same way as the Lithuanian did with the Waffen SS shirt.

I do not know whose ashes and from what uniform they are shaking off. But I really want the ashes of the victims of the Second World War to be heard in their hearts. Maybe they will hear? I really hope so.

* “Ukrainian Insurgent Army” (UPA) - a Ukrainian organization recognized as extremist and banned in Russia (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11/17/2014).

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.