WebMd reviewed a list of the best nutrients to be taken according to the advice of scientists and experts:

1- Rich in fiber
Foods rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, nuts and legumes, can help overcome constipation that becomes more common with age. It is also able to help lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar, and maintain a healthy weight. Experts advise that men from the age of 51 and over eat 30 grams of fiber daily, and for women of the same age to eat about 21 grams.

2- Whole grains
It is a great source of fiber and is rich in B vitamins, which the body needs most with age. B-6, B-12 and folic acid vitamins are all essential factors to keep your brain healthy. Any shortage, even a slight one, can make a subtle difference. Whole grains can reduce your chances of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Not only should you eat whole wheat bread, but you can increase your options by eating wheat berries and whole wheat couscous.

3- Nuts
Tree nuts like almonds, nuts, cashew nuts, pecans and pistachios are important anti-aging methods. These crunchy snacks contain special nutrients that can help delay or prevent age-related heart diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, nerve diseases, and some types of cancer. Nuts protect the health of the mind and focus also with age.

4- Water
With age, the body loses a lot of water and even the feeling of thirst begins to fade, which means that it will take a longer time for the person to be aware of the body’s need to drink fluids. Water is a pivotal nutrient for many reasons including relieving joint pain, helping to control body temperature, and affecting mood and concentration. Experts recommend eating 6 to 8 cups of water per day, depending on a person’s body weight, air temperature, or the amount of sun exposure.

5- Fish
Care should be taken to eat fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, virgin and trout twice a week. The importance of these types of fish is that they are rich in DHA, one of the omega-3 elements, which is of great benefit to the brain. Some studies have shown a link between low levels of DHA and Alzheimer's disease, but by getting enough of it it can improve memory and even the ability to learn new things. Experts advise eating algae, nuts, flaxseed and chia seeds as alternative sources of DHA for those who don't like fish.

6- Fat-free protein
The body naturally loses muscles with age, but this condition can be aggravated by eating protein-rich foods. As much as possible, care should be taken to consume protein from unprocessed natural nutrients such as eggs, lean meat and dairy products, which provide the body with many benefits compared to industrial protein powder.

7- Dairy products
The calcium contained in dairy products maintains bone health. With age, calcium can also lower your risk of osteoporosis, colon cancer and high blood pressure. After the age of 50, the body needs 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day, which can be obtained through fat-free and low-fat dairy products. It is essential that the options are not limited to milk and cheese, but you can also get calcium from yogurt, rice and soy drinks.

8- Berries
The berries are delicious and useful fruits for the human brain with age. Blueberries contain polyphenols, which are compounds that reduce inflammation throughout the body. It also reduces the damage to DNA, which can make some diseases more likely. And it helps to improve the communication between the brain "cells", to communicate with each other. Experts advise eating blueberries without cooking for the best results, because the polyphenols content decreases when cooking or when adding to cakes, bread or pies before putting in the oven.

9- Red and orange fruits
Watermelons, strawberries, tomatoes, red and orange peppers are among the best on the list of fruits and vegetables rich in a natural compound called "lycopene". Scientific studies have proven that foods containing lycopene reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and also protect against strokes.

10- Cabbage vegetables
The older the body, the weaker its immune system. And to defend the body against germs, cabbage vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower can help to strengthen it, because it has a chemical called salaforvino, which activates immune cells so that they are more able to attack toxins that damage cells and cause disease over time. One of the ways to prevent the risk of certain types of cancer is eating relatively large quantities of these vegetables.

11- Vegetables with dark leaves
To keep your eyes healthy, more vegetables like spinach, kale and green cabbage should be eaten. The antioxidants contained in dark green leafy vegetables can reduce your chances of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. One of these vegetables can be eaten in at least one meal a day, to also help avoid sluggish memory, ability to focus, and balance decisions and judgments.

12- Avocado
There are a lot of good reasons to keep eating avocado. Studies show that the antioxidants present in avocado can improve memory and help solve problems faster. Avocado also lowers cholesterol in the blood, reduces the chances of arthritis, helps maintain a healthy weight, and protects the skin from sun damage.

13- Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes contain a lot of beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. This vitamin is key to healthy eyes and skin. It also keeps the immune system strong. A medium-sized sweet potato has the same amount of vitamin A that your body would get if eaten 23 cups of cooked cauliflower.

14- Spice
Spices do more than just flavor food, because they contain antioxidants that help to stay healthy over the years. For example, garlic helps keep blood vessels open. Cinnamon can help lower cholesterol, triglycerides (blood fats). Turmeric protects against depression and Alzheimer's disease, and may also provide anti-cancer powers. Fresh or dried spices can be eaten alike unless there are health reasons that prevent eating them.