Bad weather came to Moscow. Snowfall and light frost led to the formation of ice. Also, weather forecasters record gusty wind speeds of up to 15 m / s. The hydrometeorological center assigned a “yellow” hazard level to these weather conditions.

On the eve of the capital's Center for Traffic Management (DPC) also warned of ice. Drivers are advised, whenever possible, to abandon the use of the car and transfer to the metro for bad weather.

“In Moscow today there is snowfall and ice. All the "joys" of winter life, from which motorists and pedestrians managed to break the habit. In the morning there are a lot of small accidents, and in the evening the traffic will be complicated, ”the data center said on Twitter.

  • RIA News
  • © Evgeny Odinokov

The Hydrometeorological Center reported that Atlantic cyclone brought snow to the central region. Bad weather conditions will continue until Thursday, December 5th.

Earlier, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, warned that the snow that had melted pretty quickly melted, as closer to Thursday the temperature would rise by 2-4 degrees and again reach levels above 0 ° C. Warm weather will last until the weekend.

Thaw period

Yevgeny Tishkovets, a leading specialist at the Phobos Weather Center, explained that the snow fell late this year. Usually by the beginning of December a stable snow cover already appears.

“Today is our first snow. In Moscow, 1 cm lay down. Although in this period of the year the norm is 9 cm, ”said the weather forecaster.

On Wednesday, December 4, according to the forecast of Phobos, during the day the possibility of light snowfalls remains. This will slightly increase the snow cover. At the same time, the temperature will be slightly negative. About 0 ...- 2 ° С is expected in the afternoon.

The weather will begin to change closer to December 5th.

“From Thursday onwards, the west-east transport of air masses is being restored. The temperature background will begin to rise. There will be a cloudy sky, light precipitation in the mixed phase, fogs will go. Slushy weather, ”said Yevgeny Tishkovets.

At night, zero temperatures are expected, during the day the air will warm up to +1 ... + 3 ° С. This "thaw period", according to the weather forecaster, will last at least until December 15th.

  • AGN "Moscow"
  • © Alexander Avilov

“By itself, the whole of December will be 3–7 ° C warmer than the climate and snow deficit. But after December 15, it will get a little colder, at night -4 ...- 9 ° С on average, during the day -1 ... -6 ° С. Snow cover will gradually grow, ”he concluded.

Above norm

Despite the fact that negative values ​​are still expected on thermometer columns on Wednesday, dropping to -6 ° С at night, in general, during the week the temperature will be above normal, said Yury Varakin, head of the Roshydromet situation center.

Closer to Thursday to Moscow from the Tver region will begin to approach the atmospheric front.

“On the night of December 5, the front will already reach Moscow and move further east, southeast of Moscow Region. Considering that Moscow itself will be in the warm sector on the 5th, on this day the temperature will rise in the afternoon to +1 ... + 3 degrees, ”he explained to RT.

According to him, according to previous observations. in the middle of the first decade of December, temperature indicators are usually below -5 ° C. Such an excess of the temperature norm, the weather forecaster notes, prevents the establishment of a permanent snow cover. According to him, Varakin, this can happen closer to December 11-12. By this time, another atmospheric front should approach Moscow. According to the forecast of Roshydromet, in the metropolitan region from 10% to 15% of the monthly rainfall can fall during the day.

“Snow can already be, because we expect at the beginning of the second decade (December. - RT ) that the temperatures will not be low, slightly negative, precipitation will most likely be in the form of snow, wet snow. Taking into account that the intensity of precipitation and the total amount will be somewhere from 8 to 10 mm, this is somewhere from 8 to 15 or more centimeters of snow, ”he concluded.

This winter, according to the Hydrometeorological Center, in Moscow "positive anomalies of the average monthly air temperature are forecasted." Thus, the outgoing 2019 may become the warmest in Russia as a whole and in its capital in particular. The average temperature in November has already entered the top three highest values, and this fall has become the warmest in the meteorological history of the Northern Hemisphere.