New Word / Buzzword Award Winning Word and Reason for Selection: December 2: 19:39

This is the top ten award for “New Word / Buzzword Award” and the reasons for selection.

Rugby Association Chairman Mori “I will do my best in the 2023 French World Cup”

Regarding the fact that “ONE TEAM” has been selected as the top ten, Chairman Shigetaka Mori of the Japan Rugby Association said, “I am grateful that everyone has been able to support this result. I greeted it.

And when “ONE TEAM” was chosen as the annual grand prize, he re-entered the stage and said, “This rugby world cup was a catchphrase of“ once in a lifetime, ”but if it ’s so exciting, 20 or 30 years later. I want to do it again, and I will do my best to achieve even better results in the 2023 French World Cup, including physical, "he said with a smile.

Selection committee member Naoko Nakasu “Realization of“ Unification in Diversity ””

One of the members of the selection committee, Mr. Naoko Nakatsuji, emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo, said, “There were no words that could be repelled in a word.“ Ming ”and“ Dark ”were clear. In “Dark”, there were a lot of unexpected things such as natural disasters, and there was no word that was done in the entertainment world and the media world like the dark business. I think that it was an activity of the Japanese national rugby team, and it attracted many people. ”

On top of that, “ONE TEAM”, which was selected as an annual grand prize, was realized in the world of sports in anticipation of the “unification in diversity” in the age of Ryowa. It seems like it has fallen, everyone wants a cheerful word that encourages them, and “ONE TEAM” has been chosen as the appropriate one. ”

Related Sakamoto Hachimangu Shrine Mitamiya Tsukasa "In the Year of the Fun and Great Age"

Regarding the fact that “Ryowa” entered the top ten, “Ryowa” related land, Ryoji Mita of Sakamoto Hachimangu Shrine in Dazaifu-shi, Fukuoka, “Ryowa was chosen as the new era, and the Japanese revisited Japan I think it was a wonderful year, and I want to pray with you all that this is a fun and wonderful year of the era. "

“#KuToo” Mr. Yumi Ishikawa “Towards a society that does not require exercise”

Regarding the fact that “#KuToo” was chosen as the top ten, Mr. Yumi Ishikawa, who has diffused this word on SNS, “I think the winners are everyone who took action.“ #KuToo ” Is not a denial of heels, it is an exercise that informs women that they have the right to work in the same shoes as men, not to give preferential treatment, but to let them work under the same working conditions. I pray for a society that does not require this kind of exercise. "

Two people of "Tapirisuto" "Dream is not a boom but a culture"

At the “Tapiru” award, which was selected as the top ten, Mr. Hanakoi and Nao of “Tapiristo”, who communicated the appeal of tapioca drinks via SNS etc., greeted.
“We are very happy that many people have loved Tapioca over the past year, and our dream is based on Tapioca as a culture, not a boom. I think it became an opportunity for more people to know Tapioca in the future by being chosen as a buzzword. "

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Director Mizushima

Concerning the fact that “planned suspension” was chosen as the top ten, Satoshi Mizushima, Director General of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, There are still some areas where disaster preparedness is still insufficient, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will continue to make efforts. "