The burden on the counter of hospitals, etc. 75% or older is considered to be raised to 20% Government Nov 28 5:02

In order to realize the all-generation social security system, the government has begun to consider increasing the contact burden at hospitals etc. for people over 75 years old from 10% to 20% in principle.

At the government review meeting for the realization of the all-generation social security system, there is an opinion that the benefits and burdens in the medical field should be reviewed in anticipation of 2022 when the baby boomers begin to turn 75 years old.

In response to this, the government has begun to examine the late elderly medical care system for people over 75 years old in order to raise the contact burden, which is 10% in principle, to 20%.

Within the government,
▽ A plan to uniformly raise the number of people over 75 years old to 20%,
▽ There are plans to make 20% from those who have reached 75 years old.

In addition, while taking measures to reduce the burden on low-income earners, a plan to expand the target for 30% of the burden on the “generation level” is also being considered.

For this review, the Japan Medical Association also understands that “you can ask the person who has some income to pay the burden”.

On the other hand, the Medical Association strongly opposes the “fixed-payment system” in which a fixed amount is added during outpatient visits that the Ministry of Finance, etc. require introduction, as it leads to the suppression of patient visits.

The government review meeting is expected to make full-scale adjustments in the future, with the intention of incorporating the direction of healthcare reform into the interim report to be compiled next month.