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I have always believed that watching series as a couple and, above all, getting hooked on them, killed the relationship. And even more passion. I thought that spending the night watching a screen until the wee hours of the morning slowed the desire to take action by pure exhaustion. He considered that the series could be considered one of the best current contraceptives.

However, one study has shown something surprising. Far from separating couples, watching series together, it united them even more.

Conducted by experts from universities in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, in the investigation 'Let's stay at home and watch television' it was observed that, when couples do not have common friends, sharing television series predicts a higher quality of relationship .

Also, according to Matthew Johnson, director of the Marriage and Family Studies Laboratory at the University of Binghamton in the United States, watching romantic comedies also has that fortifying effect .


This study explains how watching romantic movies encourages debate on issues related to living together, trust, sexuality, fidelity, partner forms or other issues, leading to greater knowledge of the beliefs, desires and motivations of the other. part.

According to Johnson, this strategy meant a reduction in the divorce rate in the studied groups of up to half, after three years.

Of course, to watch series or movies together favor the relationship, you have to take into account some details such as:

1. Choose what you will see together. If the couple has similar tastes, great, although it may not be so. Reaching agreements, seducing or negotiating is not only allowed but also necessary to achieve harmony in the couple.

2. Respect the non-negotiable of your partner. If there are no agreements, you can see some together or after separately. Although the latter do not usually strengthen the relationship if it takes time to be together, maintaining individual spaces is also healthy for the relationship.

3. Do not 'steal' time to other important areas. The usual thing is to take it off to sex. Staying late watching series or movies can cause exhaustion and laziness to have sex.

4. Choose the themes well. So that the previous point does not happen, it would be interesting to consider what is going to be seen and what we want to happen when the screen is turned off. If there is a desire and we do not want to stay with them, let's be a bit roguish and watch movies where they look like sex scenes and, above all, that are not a bite, but that leave us with the rush, even if they deal with other issues.

5. Maintain physical contact and be at ease. It is important that this happens to associate that moment with tranquility, pleasure, caresses or feeling the warmth of the couple. In this way, we are working on the relationship, beyond the debate generated by the viewing.

And if what you want is to activate the passion , go warming the ground making hands under the blanket, straining your hand under your clothes or, better yet, you can do without it.

6. Wink at the series in your daily life. What do you think if you introduce phrases, gestures or actions that appear in the series you watch together? In addition to being fun, it will make you connect throughout the day and increase the motivation to see you. Costumes are also worth it.

7. Promote that the moment is special. To watch a series, you can prepare a delicious dinner, open a bottle of wine or make popcorn, prepare the blanket on the sofa or light with candles to offer you an intimate atmosphere. What you want to build an intimate space that makes you both feel good.

What are the series that I recommend to see curled up under the blanket? Here are three: Perfect Life, Small Matches and Modern Love.

You will tell me how it went!

ANA SIERRA is a sexologist.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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