WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Researchers have come up with surprising, and perhaps frightening, results on the brain that may have implications that will change long-established and fundamental facts.

A team of scientists led by Professor Michel Gershon of the University of Columbia that the human brain more than, and the real brain that controls the way we think, and a large number of our decisions, and has an impact on our mental illness is not in the head but in the abdomen and intestines in particular, according to the site German «Deutsche Welle», which quoted the report «Lacomed» scientific specialist.

The head of the brain is the second brain. In intestinal curvature, which also resembles that of the brain, there are 500 million neurons, equal in number and connected to the brain of a cat or dog. Scientists call the intestinal nervous system the intestinal nervous system, while the brain is called the central nervous system.

Studies show that both "the brain" affect the other continuously, and that the way they work is very similar, they use the same neural network, the same neurotransmitters, and even their origin from the same stem cells, according to the site «Lacomid».

Professor Michel Noelle, at the University of Nice in France, points out that the first brain is the central intestinal tract. Neurons first developed with human development, and where food was the basis.

Scientists go further and talk about a third brain, the hundreds of billions of bacteria that live in colonies inside our intestines. Contrary to what many think, there are about 1,000 species of good bacteria that affect our lives and health in the intestines. The report reports how these bacteria affect their action even on our decisions and behavior, for example, being conservative in their behavior or nervous.

This enormous number of organisms is the largest community of organisms living in my life system on earth, 100 times the number of human body cells.

Professor Steven Collins, a professor of bacterial sciences from the University of McAfrica in Canada, says that these organisms that make us who we are are not treated well, because people living in cities eat fast food or even bad, and bacteria do not feed healthy food, and die Or get sick and get sick with it, it is the most important immune system in our bodies.