Guest of "Culture Media" with Philippe Vandel on Europe 1, Friday, the founder of the Sybel podcast platform Virginie Maire explained that her brand wanted to differentiate itself by offering a demanding selection of content, mainly from other studios. She defines Sybel as the Netflix of the podcast.


Launched last May, the Sybel podcasts platform already has 750,000 users according to its founder, Virginie Maire. Culture Media's guest with Philippe Vandel on Europe 1, Friday morning, Amaury's former press and multimedia M6-Web came to explain how the young media had sprouted and how it intended to develop in a podcast ecosystem more and more competitive. "We will accelerate the original creation in 2020", she promises, with also a move to a premium model.

Four out of five content comes from elsewhere

We must first explain what is Sybel today: an application where he found "thrillers, comedies, documentaries and stories for children," details Virginia Mayor. With a particularity: "80% of the contents come from radios or already existing studios.There is an editorial committee which will make a selection of the contents proposed in adequacy with our line."

In detail, we find for example the podcast Le Grêlé on the hunt for a serial killer from 1986 to 1994 by the criminal brigade, told by the journalist Patricia Tourancheau, but also The Race , story of the trajectory of a young rapper Taymor (aka Tay-K47) to the meteoric rise. Europe 1 also collaborated with Sybel on the Behind the Wall podcast, a series on the Cold War on the occasion of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. This creation was made from the archives collected by our antenna.

>> With "Behind the Wall", Europe 1 brings you back to life with the Cold War

But if Sybel defines itself as "Netflix of the podcast", like Majelan, Virginie Maire refuses to consider the platform launched by Matthieu Gallet as its competitor, preferring to target Audible and Spotify, while "we consume 75% podcast on Apple podcasts ", points out the founder of Sybel.

Podcasts in English and Spanish

Silver side, for now, "the search for profitability is not necessarily short-term, because we invest heavily in content and original creation," Virginie Maire evades to discuss the economic viability of this media. She prefers to insist on the introduction of a premium model (paying) in the "first quarter of 2020", as well as on the "international opening" of podcasts at the same time, with creations in English and Spanish.