On Europe 1, the singer, who just released a new album just before the summer, is currently in full tour throughout France. He talked about Europe 1.


Just before the summer, he released his sixteenth album, To appear or not to be . Maxime Le Forestier is currently touring throughout France to defend him, as part of a vast tour that will end in May 2020. In Media Culture on Europe 1, the singer-songwriter evokes what it gets the scene.

"I'll stop when the voice is gone"

At 70, Maxime Le Forestier does not intend to stop. To talk about the scene, he evokes a "hard drug". "The advantage is that it's not dangerous," he says, amused. The author of San Francisco points out that, for him, "the scene is a need", and that "it gives immense pleasure". "I do not want to win," he adds.

Finally, it is his body that will announce the end of recess. "I'll stop when the voice will not be there, if it starts to rattle or sing wrong," he says. But as long as he can, he will go on stage and continue his career. "There is a person who is designated to tell me when to stop: my wife," he concludes.