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What is the best time of day to train and what should we eat before doing so if our main goal is to lose weight? First thing in the morning and, if possible, before breakfast. This was the main conclusion reached by a team of researchers from the universities of Birmingham and Bath (United Kingdom) in a study, published last October 18 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

"We have been able to observe that those people who exercised on an empty stomach experienced a greater number of benefits than those who did after eating some type of food," explains Javier González, a professor at the Department of Health at the University of Bath and co-author of the investigation.

What benefits does this teacher of Spanish origin refer to? "The first group not only managed to burn more fat during the session but, in addition, their muscles adapted better to exercise and improved their insulin resistance, keeping blood sugar levels under control. What is a very positive marker for when calibrating the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes or some type of cardiovascular disease. "

To reach this conclusion, González and his colleagues analyzed the evolution of " 30 obese or overweight subjects, who underwent the same routine of moderate physical activity (60 minutes of cycling), for six weeks ."

After that period of time, they observed that those who had trained on an empty stomach "had managed to burn twice as much fat as those who had had a breakfast with a high carbohydrate content."

Moreover, the muscles of those who exercised before breakfast also showed "a greater increase in the proteins involved in the transport of glucose from the bloodstream to the muscles."

Why this 'grease effect'? Our body, having no 'fuel' is forced to 'throw away' the accumulated reserves in the form of adipose tissue.


But, beware, the authors of the research themselves emphasize that this method is not suitable for all audiences . "It should not be put into practice by those who do not tolerate fasting well or those who are under some type of insulin treatment, for example. It is also not indicated in cases where maximum performance is sought in a competition," Javier warns. Gonzalez

If, finally, a qualified professional supervises and 'prescribes' its realization, this researcher remembers the importance of an adequate nutrient intake once the session is over . "In addition to hydrating with water, it is essential to take the necessary proteins to help the muscles recover and fill the energy stores with carbohydrates."

What would be, in the opinion of this teacher, the best training we can do if we want to lose weight in a healthy way? "The results of our research are only applicable for specific cases and sessions of moderate exercise, not for strength routines or high intensity interval training. So my advice is to perform the physical activity that we enjoy and that we can practice regularly for as long as possible. " Easier, impossible, right ?

WARNING: Before starting a training program it is essential to consult a qualified professional who designs a customized plan, according to our state of form, age, objectives, etc. Health is not played!

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • United Kingdom
  • Health

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