In "Culture media", Thursday on Europe 1, Ophélie Meunier evokes the special issues of "Investigation exclusive" and "Zone interdite" Sunday, November 24, devoted to violence against women. M6 decided to mobilize its antenna to sensitize its televiewers.


129 women died from blows carried by their companion or their husband since the beginning of the year 2019. A violence which mobilizes more and more people, even the media. M6 presented Wednesday a device entirely devoted to the issue of feminicide.

M6 has therefore decided to mobilize its antenna to sensitize its viewers, while the figures related to domestic violence are constantly increasing. A number of Exclusive Investigations and Forbidden Zone will be devoted to this topic on Sunday, November 24. "M6 has simply decided to put his stone in the building," says Ophélie Meunier, who presents Zone prohibited , at the microphone of Europe 1.

"The media have the opportunity to advance the great causes"

Domestic violence now affects one in ten women in France. It is estimated that only one in five domestic violence victims files a complaint in France. Pedagogical and accompanying work is therefore essential. "The media have the opportunity to advance major causes," says Ophélie Meunier. "To say 'stop', you have to be aware of where we are today and show the things that are put in place, which are good, and the things that are dysfunctional," she adds.

For the journalist, it is the role of the media to "mediate between victims and reality". "We decided to bring this fight to the fore," she concludes.