“Winter is not expected to be cold, the temperature background is near and above normal. Winter is predicted in this color - I’m even afraid to pronounce the word pink, ”Interfax quotes the expert.

According to him, winter precipitation is expected to be close to normal, with the exception of southern European Russia, where precipitation may be deficient, as well as Taimyr and Western Siberia, where, according to preliminary data, there will be excess.

At the same time, he explained why he cautiously uses the epithet “pink”. In 2017, according to the agency, Wilfand, speaking about the forecast for the summer in Russia, used this term.

Then, during a press conference, he showed prognostic cards for the summer months, which were painted in light red, which means the temperature is near and above normal.

Villefand said earlier that the probability of forecast accuracy for a month does not exceed 67%.

In early October, the weather forecaster said that in the middle zone of Russia there is a gradual reduction in the winter period.