Pathological thinness is underweight than normal, measured by BMI, if the BMI is less than 18.5, it means that the person is thin.

Being diagnosed when not eating enough, or eating and forcing the self to vomit in the event of obesity or a strict diet to reach the ideal weight.

Slimming can affect your personality and can lead to depression, especially due to anorexia, and can reduce your body's immunity due to a lack of vitamins, so you may experience many health problems. It can also cause osteoporosis or osteoporosis, and some studies have shown that it can cause Alzheimer's and long-term loss of focus.

The causes of thinness do not differ between women and men, but women may suffer more thinly than men slightly. Psychological causes can be depression, leading to anorexia. Lack of a proper diet can often lead to this, and problems with the thyroid gland and overproduction of the gland can lead to an unwillingness to eat.

There are medications that can affect your body's survival, as well as certain diseases such as cancer.

Slimming can be avoided by following the advice of CosmeSurge Dubai nutrition expert Lea Zebian: