Is my apartment big enough? Do I really have enough time to take care of a new pet? Will the animal be compatible with my child?

These are important questions that anyone considering a pet should take into account before taking the step and bringing the animal home, says the German Pet Industry Association.

Whether you are interested in raising a dog or a cat, it makes sense to make several visits to the animal shelter and get to know your new partner waiting at home before you decide to take care of him.

Children in the family must be involved in the selection process, as well as aftercare for the new dog or cat.

Children need to learn how to interact properly with the animal to ensure that it becomes a harmonious part of the family. However, an adult must always be responsible for raising a cat or dog.

Many animals, such as guinea pigs, are not intended for homes with young children, experts say. They are not fit to cuddle, and children will quickly lose interest when they cannot communicate directly with the animal.

For other small domestic pets, such as mice or birds, there is a risk that the child may inadvertently infect the animal by touching it without careful care or supervision.