A study published in the 2019 Journal of the American Medical Association found that on a daily basis, 42 percent of the calories consumed come from poor-quality carbohydrates such as refined grains, starchy vegetables, and added sugars. By eating these foods instead of more healthy alternatives such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, a person gets a much higher amount in exchange for a lack of nutrition. This combination can cause weight gain, along with a wide range of health problems.

Here are four reasons to reduce the added sugar intake:

Body aging
To monitor aging speed, it is not only enough to track joint pain and fine lines, but also the length of telomeres, which are cellular signs of aging. Healthy telomeres are the key to maintaining healthy cells, the latter equivalent to the entire body's wellness for successful aging. Inflammation and oxidative stress resulting from excessive added sugar shorten telomeres prematurely, which is associated with premature aging, Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer and other health problems. But the good news is that sweet cravings can continue to be satisfied. A study published in December 2018 in Nutrients showed that healthy telomeres are linked to natural sweets such as fruit, dairy, and natural juice 100 percent. It also showed that women who followed healthy diets with the lowest dose of added sugar were 3 to 4 years younger, according to their telomeres.

Messing in the mood
The effect of diet on mood, especially depression, is an increasing area of ​​study. A comprehensive analysis released in July 2017 in Psychiatry Research looked at 21 studies across 10 countries and found that the Western diet, which includes high levels of added sugars, is associated with a higher risk of depression. But scientists have discovered that correction of food, such as increased servings of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, olive oil, low-fat milk and antioxidants, has reduced the risk of depression. Another study, published in 2015 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, also showed that high consumption of added sugars was specifically linked to a higher risk of depression. Eating more lactose, fiber, whole fruits and vegetables has been linked to a lower risk.

Stimulate appetite
The problem with foods containing added sugars is not only that they are full of calories, but also free of fiber and protein, leaving the owner to feel that his stomach is empty. Consumption of concentrated sweets without proteins and fibers that ensure satisfaction can cause high blood sugar that is likely to fall rapidly and cause low energy levels and increased hunger. This can lead to mood swings as energy levels peak and stop. Fibers and proteins together slow down digestion, helping to control the level at which glucose is released into the bloodstream, preventing high blood sugar levels from falling rapidly.

Promote heart disease
When it comes to heart health, the focus is only on saturated and hydrogenated fats… but did you know that sugar may also play a role in this? A 2014 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and researchers found a strong link between consumption of added sugar (mostly sugar-sweetened beverages) and the risk of death from heart disease.