It is the non-profit organization The Legal Front that has notified the Northern Front to the Swedish Academy. Following the notification, the Academy has hired a law firm to take legal action against Nordfront for the use of the poems.

It is the government that has appointed the Swedish Academy to be one of the bodies that can take measures to protect classical works that no longer has the rights. Through what is called the classic protection, the Swedish Academy can report when works are used in a way that "violates the interests of spiritual cultivation".

The Association The Legal Front writes on its website that they notified the Nordfront to the Swedish Academy when it was about "a reproduction of poems or poems for the purpose of glorifying the" Aryan race "and promoting Nazi ideas. The rendering takes place in a distinctly Nazi context, on the same websites as other propaganda, along with Nazi rhetoric. "

Dagens Nyheter reports that the Swedish Academy's legal representative Anders Kylhammar has sent a letter to Nordfront demanding that the texts be removed from the website.

- Whether it becomes relevant for a court hearing remains to be seen. We have requested an answer by October last.