It seems like the seasons have changed in one day. The weather is colder.

The temperature in Seoul is 6.7 degrees, 7 degrees lower than yesterday's (25th) and the lowest this fall.

Tomorrow, Sunday is expected to drop further to 5 degrees.

In the case of Daegwallyeong, the temperature change is even more severe. Tomorrow, the temperature drops to 2 degrees below zero.

With such cold weather, there will be a place where frosts and ice freezes in the central mountains and tomorrow.

You must also take good care of your crops.

The air is in good condition with cold wind blowing in the clear sky of the whole country.

Today, only a little cloud will pass without any rain forecast, but the wind will blow strongly around the west coast, and the wave will continue on the east coast.

The temperature in Seoul is 6.7 degrees, with the central region showing a bit colder weather.

Today's midday temperature will be 7 degrees cooler than yesterday as Seoul is only 15 degrees.

It will be sunny tomorrow, but you should always take care of your health as the weather is rather cold.

(Hoambin Weathercaster)