Peace Memorial Museum Free Opening Peace Hope Okinawa October 22 18:18

The Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum in Itoman City, Okinawa Prefecture, was opened free of charge in accordance with the “House of Seokrei Seiden”. Visitors wished for peace in a new era.

In accordance with the ceremonies of the coronation Reishen, some museums and museums were opened free of charge in Okinawa on the 22nd.

Among them, visitors to the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum in Itoman City watched photographs of the Battle of Okinawa with serious expressions.

Also, in front of the “Peace of Peace”, where the names of the war dead were engraved, the bereaved wished for a new age of peace.

A woman in her 60's from Aichi Prefecture said, “I visited this place for the first time on the day of the throne of the throne, and I was strongly encouraged to make it a peaceful time.” It was.

A man in his 70s who died his brother in the battle with Okinawa and moved to Hyogo Prefecture after the war said, “I can't come to Okinawa, but every time I come to this place, I feel the importance of peace. I want you to continue. "