American director Quentin Tarantino has refused to delete scenes from his movie Once Upon A Time In Hollywood in exchange for allowing it to be released in China.

Tarantino refused to make any concessions the depth of the crisis that had arisen hours ago because of the decision of the National Film Administration of China not to release the film, after Bruce Lee's daughter, Shannon Lee, filed a complaint that the film, insulting the history of her father,

He appears to be very arrogant and violent, claiming that he could paralyze boxing champion Mohamed Ali Clay if he is allowed to duel.

At the same time, Tarantino defended his film, noting that Bruce Lee was in fact a rather arrogant character.

"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" is set in 1969 in Los Angeles, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt.

Leonardo DiCaprio and his popularity in the country are making the film more popular with the Titanic, a milestone in his career.