October 31 from us in some two weeks.

And by October 31, Boris Johnson vowed to tear the country out of the European Union, because (and here I agree with him, he needs to show willpower) Great Britain once became the laughing stock and powerless power with a stupid parliament, which was mired over the ears in the inter-parliamentary - and even worse, in the internal party squabbles of the conservatives.

The Queen has just delivered the annual throne speech. If you believe the photographs (because old, early-aged photographs are often used, and go and know when it was taken), the queen came to parliament in a white fur coat, a crown and a carriage. The Queen agrees with Boris Johnson that the UK should withdraw from the EU in a wild way, without stipulating conditions.

In particular, here are the queen's words:

“My government’s priority has always been to ensure that Britain exits the EU on October 31.”

To this, Labor leader in parliament Jeremy Corbin called the Queen's throne speech “farce.” For some reason, he is convinced that the speech was written by Prime Minister Johnson, which supposedly always happens in the UK. (I’m not sure that this has always happened, rather, this is Corbin’s personal opinion.) Here is what Corbin said:

“We do not trust the prime minister. In this speech of the queen there was nothing that would help our stagnant economy, nothing that would solve the problem of low wages, nothing that would stop the growth of poverty among children and pensioners. But within a few weeks we can hear the Queen’s speech written by the Laborites. ”

I note that if the Prime Ministers write the throne speech of the Queen in Great Britain, we are sorry for the UK. And the queen, who is either a conservative or a laborer.

Moreover, it turns out that now the parliament is holding a debate about the Queen’s throne speech and will vote for five days about this speech.

And they don’t debate and vote on going to the Queen’s toilet, is it possible for her or not for the toilet?

Great Britain turned into a caricature, into a grotesque state, where the stupidly used tradition of endless debate in parliament prevents the state and citizens from living. This conclusion comes to a healthy, sane person in the end, watching the tragic comedy of Britain's exit from the European Union, and this tragicomedy lasts for the fourth year.

But Borys Johnson ... Borys Johnson warned the UK that he would rather "die in the gutter" than ask the EU to postpone his release for another three months, to force him to apply to Brussels is obliged by a new law, just passed in September by the restless parliament .

According to other sources, Johnson still intends to ask the EU to extend the release period by three months, until January 31, 2020.

Well and so on, this Brexit song is apparently so good that Parliament starts it all over again.

In earlier times, the British left without saying goodbye, there was even the expression "leave in English." In modern times, the Englishman says that he will leave, but the fourth year does not leave.

Yeah, here's the happiness. The European Union went towards Great Britain.

Word to Boris Johnson. He is ecstatic:

“We have a great new deal (please note,“ the deal ”is Donald Trump's favorite word. - E. L. ), which returns control to us, now the parliament on Saturday should approve the brexit so that we can deal with other priority issues, such as cost of living, national health service, crime and the environment. ” (I insistently ask you to note that Johnson in this case answered the reproaches of Jeremy Corbin in his criticism of the Queen’s throne speech, I quoted an excerpt from Corbin’s speech above. - E. L. ).

What happened?

Explains in his Twitter, Jean-Claude Juncker, a senior EU official:

“After two days of continuous negotiations, they composed an additional protocol on Northern Ireland and a political declaration that would complement the agreement on Britain’s exit from the EU.”

The Northern Ireland Protocol is a protocol on how to maintain a transparent border between Northern Ireland (part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland. Details on how to maintain a transparent border are not provided. I carefully searched for them, did not find them.

Great Britain seems to be leaving the EU by October 31st, as Johnson and the Queen want. Coming IF IF Parliament on Saturday votes. And if you don’t want it, if the “way to keep it transparent” doesn’t satisfy them? Then until January 31st and so on.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.