The hay fever medicine is self-help! Why is the future map of warfare on October 17 at 10:56?

“Remove all hay fever treatments from insurance and pay for it!”
This summer, shocking proposals were made to turn hay fever patients nationwide.
Why do you have any suggestions for rebound?
In fact, it is because the crisis that "your health insurance may disappear in the future!"
What is this country's “future map” waiting for the active generation?
(Tomoyo Koizumi)


Recently, an organization has often come to the press club of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, making strict recommendations and making the world irritated.

1: Buy hay fever treatments on your own!
2: The counter burden for those over 75 is up to 20%!
3: Enter the age of 30% insurance premiums!
4: Health insurance is gone!

Appeals are "Kenporen" = "Health Insurance Union Federation".

It consists of about 1400 “health insurance associations” of large corporations, and is a large organization with about 30 million employees and their families.

Will hay fever medications be expensive?

A drug for hay fever, which Kenpo Ren noted. For example, the well-known drug “Allegra”.

If you buy one box (14 days) at a drugstore, it's just 2000 yen.
It is 148 yen when converted per day.

On the other hand, if it is prescribed as an example at a clinic in Tokyo, “Allegra” for 30 days is given.

51 yen per day, one-third of the market.
It is cheaper for generic drugs, so-called generics.
30 yen per day, one fifth.
Because insurance is applied and the counter burden is 10-30%, it is cheaper than over-the-counter drugs.

By the way, compresses and vitamins are also cheaper if insurance is applied.

However, the Kenpo Ren pointed out that this is one of the reasons for increasing medical expenses. The rest of the window is covered by insurance.

Therefore, he suggested that drugs with the same efficacy as over-the-counter drugs could be removed from medical insurance. This will save about 60 billion yen per year.

[After replanting Japanese cedar! ]

A big halation occurred immediately around the net.

I also heard from a clinic that hay fever patients were packed during the season.

“I am a nurse, but my profession does not work if I don't have medicine. During the season, I need medicine every day, and even if I pay 30% for a few months. "(20-year-old woman in Tokyo, Japanese cedar pollen allergy)

"I take medicine every night from winter to spring, and I also give injections when it is bad. I get hay fever about 10,000 yen every year. I am worried about how many times it will be exempted." Pollen allergy for men, cedar and cypress)

"Criticism is prepared"

Kenho Ren has a feeling of turning hay fever patients into enemies at once. I visited an office in Minato-ku, Tokyo.

Sure enough, there was a flood of protests here as well.

Still, Matsuya Nobuya Planning Director, who worked on the proposal, said, “The criticism was prepared.” He said he wanted to create a debate with a kind of shock therapy.

“The current insurance system is naturally air-like for many people, and cost awareness is hard to work. However, in reality, medical costs are rising and reaching the limit.”

While the aftermath of hay fever has not cooled, Kenpo Ren announced the second proposal in September.

As a general rule, the burden on medical institutions for senior citizens, who are 10% in principle, should be gradually increased to 20% from those aged 75. This time, the content is more harsh, causing the backlash of the elderly.

“Three years later, in 2022, the number of late elderly people will increase rapidly. As medical expenses increase, the insurance premiums for active generations will also be raised. I'm at the right time. "

“Crisis” approaching in 3 years

The “2022 crisis” that Kenhoren says.

The so-called “baby boomer generation” began to turn 75 years old from 2022, and in 2025, all of them reached 75 years old.
Over 75 years old, there are 21.8 million people, and one in five will enter the age of late elderly.

This is the outlook for the future medical expenses shown by the government last year.

It was more than 45 trillion yen in FY2018, but it will increase by 9 trillion yen in FY2025, and will increase by more than 30 trillion yen in FY2040 when the number of elderly people will peak. It will actually be 1.6 to 1.7 times.
Financial tension is inevitable. How do you cover this? Who will bear it?

According to the Health Insurance Federation, in order to improve insurance finance, it is expected that there will be a series of unions that will increase the insurance premium rate since 2022. Insurance premiums include not only medical care, but also pensions and nursing care, so if insurance premiums are raised, the amount of proceeds will be reduced accordingly. Looking at the salary details, "You can be deducted so much! Now you don't have the money to spend your money ..." The office workers who drop their shoulders may come up one after another.

In addition to this,
▼ Create and use a list of effective and low-priced drugs for a mechanism called `` refill prescription '' that allows you to prescribe medicines you use regularly at pharmacies without having to see a doctor every time, and ▼ treatments for lifestyle-related diseases It is also proposed to introduce a "formula" system that recommends
If all of this is realized, it is possible to reduce medical expenses by at least 430 billion yen per year.

“I want our recommendations to be discussed within the government, and painful reforms are inevitable. I want you to work on the real reforms without escaping from the review of benefits and burdens.”

The disappearing health insurance association

The reason why the Health Insurance Federation appeals so desperately is the dissolution of the “health insurance association”.

A man who was the director of the health insurance association at a manufacturer in Tokyo responded anonymously to the interview.

This union broke up in April.
More than 500 employees have moved to insurance called “Association Kempo” for small and medium-sized enterprises, where the government is subsidizing.

“The contributions to the elderly were too heavy, the deficit continued, and the reserves have bottomed out. It ’s regrettable that the union that has continued for many years will be crushed on my behalf.”

Health insurance associations operate on the basis of premiums paid by employees, but in fact not all premiums are used for the working generation. In order to support the medical expenses of late elderly people over 75 years old and elderly people over 65 years old, a certain amount of money is provided, such as “send-off”. The ratio is close to 50%.

The premium income of this association in FY2016 is 2,980 billion yen.
In contrast, contributions to the elderly amounted to 1,660.0 billion yen. The medical expenses for employees and their families are 1,790 billion yen, which is 3,450 billion yen.

It has been funded by reversing the reserve, but it has decreased to less than 1/7 in 6 years. The prospect of raising funds was lost and the company was dissolved.

The insurance system will be maintained even after moving to “Kenpo Kenpo”.
However, because it is a uniform system, it is difficult for companies to respond flexibly, and there are no longer any unique services.

Health insurance associations have shared insurance premiums with individuals: companies = 4: 6, but “Kenpo kenpo” is based on individuals: companies = 5: 5, and the monthly premium has increased by 3600 yen.

In addition, the self-pay for medical checkups and specific medical examinations has increased, and the association has no longer provided services for employees to purchase regular medicines such as cold medicines and provide them to employees free of charge.

“I lost one tool that protects the health of my employees. If the burden of medical expenses on employees and their families was so great that they broke up, there was no way, but their unions would disappear to support the elderly. Will leave you feeling unthinkable. ''

Today, 40% of these deficits are unionized.
Is your company's health insurance association okay? I felt it wasn't every person.

Government and hip?

In September, the government established the “All-Generation Social Security Review Conference,” headed by Prime Minister Abe.

The policy is to advance discussions on social security as a whole, but the themes for the time being are promoting employment for the elderly and expanding the age at which pensions can be received.

It is not yet clear how far the benefits and burdens will be discussed.
Is politics just about the sound of “increasing burden”?

Not only hay fever, there are many anxiety and repulsion to the burden.
In particular, regarding the burden on the elderly for the elderly in the elderly, the elderly living in pensions said that “there are too many burdens if you have many illnesses”
"I can't afford to pay for medical expenses even though my life is difficult."
Can be heard.

A voice from the Japanese medical associations and other industry groups came up as soon as they said, “Don't just discuss from a financial perspective”.
Yokokura, chairman of the Japan Medical Association,

“It ’s not just about increasing the patient burden, it ’s about discussing the overall health of medicine,” he said.

According to the Japan Dental Association, “An excessive burden should lead to restrained consultations and not be detrimental to the health of the people.”
The voice is rising.

Future forecast map, let's think

Early October.
Kenpo Ren has started a campaign in Ginza entitled “No Health Insurance”.

The illustration that was drawn by the manga artist Nozomu Isogo appeared at the venue. A picture of the future when health insurance is gone.

The hospital will be far away ...

Charge an amazing amount.

So some people can only treat half.

It ’s like a joke, but it ’s probably not an exaggeration.
What kind of future forecast map do you like?
Why don't you start with thinking?

Tomoyo Koizumi, reporter of the political department
Joined in 2011. After working at Aomori and Sendai stations, he went to the political department. After working in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, currently in charge of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Covering social security policies such as medical care.