Management is a stand-alone science, and successful management practices have never been random, but are steps studied and calculated according to known global administrative systems, the successful manager is the one who builds his decisions on scientific grounds, not on personal whims or moods or just to prove his presence in office, He believes that management is the uniqueness of the decision, and that the manager is inevitably the best mentality, the most intelligent and productive employees, just because he is a manager!

Management in many developed countries is the art of making the right decision at the right time, and this is the key to success. In a clear example to confirm this, a number of state officials were on a working visit to Japan, visited the famous automobile factory «Toyota», and was impressed by the accuracy and speed of work And, with more than 23 robots collecting and installing all parts of the car with great precision captivating the pulp, very quickly, one member of the delegation asked the factory manager: Why did you choose to start installing doors before the tires? Why wasn't the process reversed, for example? Everyone was surprised by the manager's answer. Every year, so, every step is calculated regardless of its size, and there is no room here for individual ijtihad, but relying on scientific research and studies!

The second has a financial cost, and the wrong administrative decision has a financial cost as well, and even if you deal with sophisticated robots, the right management is the one that can employ the robot's energy in the right way and ideal, management is not antarctic, and not control and domination, and the superior manager who can increase the productivity of his employees Ideally, he can show their best desire not threatening and intimidating.

Many do not pay attention to the importance of time, and many do not treat it as an important resource, while it is our most important resource if we manage it appropriately, and everyone can make the most of the time granted to them, failure to manage time means the loss of hours can not be returned, These watches are undoubtedly costly, and wasting them is a waste of public money.

Thus, improving the skills of managers, officials and employees in time management leads to a lot of confidence and efficiency in the work, but the recklessness of seconds and hours means wasted money and wasted effort, can we calculate the money we waste annually because of administrative decisions are not calculated, or unintentional? The money we waste every year, because of the indifference to the importance of time, is certainly large sums!

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