Increasing number of foreigners living in Japan “Agree” nearly 60% NHK public opinion survey October 10th 18:43

NHK asked in public opinion about the increase in the number of foreigners living in Japan due to the expansion of acceptance of foreign human resources for industries with shortage of labor. Nearly 60% of respondents answered “agree” I went up.

On the other hand, nearly 70% of people are cautious about expanding foreigners living in Japan with their families.

This survey targeted 2091 people over the age of 16 nationwide from July to August with the expansion from April due to the acceptance of foreign human resources in industries with insufficient labor. The answer was received from 1268 people, or 60.6%.

Pros and cons of increasing foreigners

I heard that the number of foreigners living in Japan will increase with the expansion of acceptance of foreign human resources targeting industries with a shortage of labor since April.

11% agree
47% say “if anything”
33% say “if anything”
“Disagree” was 7%, and positive responses accounted for nearly 60% of the total.

For women aged 16 to 39, “agree” and “somewhat agree” totaled 70%, which is higher than other age groups.

The impact of the increase in foreigners

I asked with multiple answers what kind of changes would be expected when the number of foreigners living in Japan increased.

The most common was
62% for "reducing labor shortages"
Next, “crime increases” 54%,
40% “will bring new ideas and cultures”
"Japanese culture is damaged" 21%,
"Japanese work is lost" 20%,
"Economy is activated" was 18%.

The number of respondents who answered “increased crime” increased to 65%, especially among men over 70 years old.

Should we accept family ties more broadly now?

Under current laws, foreign workers have tough conditions such as the need for skilled skills to live in Japan with their families, but now it is more widely accepted to relax with these conditions and live with their families. I asked if it should be.

as a result,
Whereas 29% of “should be more widely recognized”
54% say “you can stay right now”
“The conditions should be stricter now” is 15%.
Although many people “agree” with the increase in the number of foreigners, nearly 70% of those who are cautiously thinking about expanding foreigners' living in Japan with their families.

Furthermore, those who replied “agree” that the number of foreigners will increase will be 45%, while “they should be more widely accepted”
49% say "you can stay as it is"
“The conditions should be stricter now” is 5%, and it turns out that there are many people who are cautious about foreigners expanding their families.

Want to interact with foreigners

As a result of asking if you want to interact with foreigners living in Japan,
"I want to interact" and "I would rather interact" accounted for 54%,
“If anything, I do n’t want to interact.”
It was over 44% of "I don't want to interact".

Those who wanted to interact increased to 74% between the ages of 16 and 29, indicating that the younger generation tends to be more motivated to interact.

Time: July 19th to August 4th Method: Distribution and Recovery Act
Effective number (rate) of 2091 people nationwide over 16 years old:
1268 (60.6%)