Applying for trademark of “Iki” in Thailand Kagawa Noodle Manufacturers Association To Oppose October 10th 4:49


In Southeast Asia Thailand, it was found that a trademark containing the word “Sanuki” was applied for, and the union made by Sanuki udon noodle manufacturers in Kagawa Prefecture challenged the Thai authorities on the 11th. Decided a policy to do.

According to Kagawa Prefecture officials, it was found that a trademark registration including the Chinese character and Roman letter “Iki” was applied to the Thai trademark authority, the Japanese Patent Office.

I applied for a local subsidiary in Thailand that sells noodles with a parent company in Taiwan and has not confirmed any relationship with Kagawa Prefecture.

In response to this, the “Home Sanuki Udon Cooperative”, a Sanuki udon noodle manufacturer in Kagawa Prefecture, discussed the response with the prefecture and decided on the 11th to appeal to the Thai trademark authorities.

Specifically, it is required that the Thai authorities guarantee that the characters “Iki” can be used in products other than local companies that have applied for trademark registration.

Co-operative “I want to sue and claim that there are no restrictions on activities”

According to the “Genuine Sanuki Udon Cooperative”, some companies in Kagawa Prefecture have opened udon stores in Thailand and exported udon noodles to Thailand.

The union says, “I want to appeal my claims so that there are no restrictions on their activities.”