In "Culture media" on Europe 1, the host evokes the report that "Zone Forbidden" will broadcast Sunday night on M6, the heart of the brigade of miners Toulon.


Sunday night on M6, Forbidden Zone will offer an exceptional document. The television team followed for a year the brigade of miners Toulon. "This is one of the major topics of society," said Ophélie Meunier, who presents this report and comments, as she explains on Europe 1, Friday morning in Culture-Media.

School bullying on the Internet

"The real novelty is the dangers faced by adolescents today," said Ophélie Meunier, including the harassment on the Internet. "With social networks, which children are very good at, they do not realize the words they use and their violence," the journalist said. The report includes a particularly moving sequence of a young girl, harassed, who confides in a police officer.

"My life has changed since the birth of my son"

Another emotional sequence: the opening of the report. The Toulon miners' brigade intervenes with an addict mother to withdraw her child. The father is in prison. "An extremely trying sequence," admits Ophélie Meunier, "but we must keep in mind that the police are there to protect this child, even this mother admits to not being able to take good care of it," says the host.

In general, she was particularly touched by this story on which she put her voice. "My life has changed since the birth of my son," she says, "and since the autumn I have discovered how much I have developed a sensitivity about the subject of childhood."