"Will you kill me?" Nursing care worker arrested on October 4 at 12:29

A 25-year-old care worker was arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department for sending a threatening e-mail to a major game company, Square Enix, forcing the game event to be canceled.

Arrested was a care worker, Shinto Kanda (25) in Shintomi, Miyazaki.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, in August, a major game company headquartered in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo was sent six threatening emails, such as "Will you kill me?" There is a suspicion that the game event has been canceled.

He accused the investigation and asked to review the game he was using, but he stated that he sent an email because he couldn't get the answer.

When the company that received the threatening email announced the cancellation of the event and the submission of damage reports on the homepage, Suspect Kanda repeatedly sent emails of apology saying, “I'm really reflecting.”

The Metropolitan Police Department was arrested for intimidation and disruption of power, even if it later apologized.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department says, “If you send an email that contains an extreme word, you may be criminalized depending on the content.