FIFA former vice-chairman suspended permanently prosecuted for bribery, etc. October 3, 1:21

The FIFA = International Football Federation announced on February 2 that it has imposed a permanent suspension on former vice chairman Eugenio Figuered, who was charged with receiving a bribe from a sports company.

In return for receiving a bribe from a sports company over a marketing contract between 2004 and 2015, Mr. Figuered made an effort to acquire the rights to broadcast and sponsor the football game held in Latin America. He was charged with crimes.

The FIFA announced on February 2 that Mr. Figuered has been suspended for permanent activities and fined around 107 million Swiss francs and approximately 107 million yen in Japanese yen.

Figuered is 87 years old from Uruguay. After retiring, he worked for his own football association and the South American Football Federation. From 2013, he served as president of the South American Football Federation for a year.

In 2014, he served as the vice president of FIFA, serving on the organizing committee of the World Cup Brazil Games and on the FIFA Finance Committee.