Healthy weight loss is based on two main axes: proper diet and adequate exercise, according to Brigitta magazine.


Proper nutrition and the body's access to important nutrients is one of the pillars, which can reduce obesity and lose weight.

A healthy diet, according to the German Dietetic Association, includes carbohydrates, which can be obtained from whole grains and potatoes, where you feel full and provide you with the energy and fiber needed during the day.

Besides carbohydrates there are healthy fats, which can be obtained from olive oil, and other vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), and also supplies the body with vitamin E.

The third element of the nutrients that must be contained in the diet is protein, which is found in meat, fish and dairy products, and is an important element to build and maintain muscle.

One of the recommendations of the German Society in this regard, not to eat more than 600 grams of meat and fish a week, and eat fruits and vegetables that contain more vitamins and fiber, as well as drinking at least two liters of water a day.


The second pillar on which weight loss is based, is sports. It is primarily aimed at maintaining physical fitness, burning calories and building muscle. Instead of taking transport for walking distances.