Brad Pitt has been in a bizarre state of disarray since the beginning of the decade, after a stellar rise that glowed from the early 1990s to the end of the last decade. We say a floundering stage in the choice of tournament roles, not anything else.

A bit if he is not a major hero, he is an assistant actor, and if he does not appear in a film you will find his name in the production box with small independent films that compete for the highest prizes and win them, but the picture before us today is beautiful, surprising and different.

Brad Pitt returns to the championship and production again in a fantastic space epic we have never seen in decades. With the exception of the wonderful Christopher Nolan «Interstellar» 2014, we tell the reader: Forget the «Mars» 2015 and «gravity» 2013, although they were beautiful and good, they lacked realism in favor of the masses. Of course, the boring fossilized film "The First Man" was forgotten last year.

AD Astra (during the struggle to the stars) is a very strange science fiction, not strangely «Interstellar», which makes you insomnia of too much thinking at the end, but his strangeness in that the wider his vision, shrank his hero and isolated in his world!

Brad Pitt has not seen an absolute starring role in this beauty for many years, and inevitably his best role since his crazy roles in the 1990s (seven, 12 monkeys, fighting club, interview with the vampire), and a strange millennium, such as "Babylon", Benjamin Button's strange state, and Englius Bastards, perhaps his best role ever.

The film was written by James Gray (director of the epic city of Zee lost two years ago), with Ethan Ross, who co-wrote the famous science fiction series Fring, and played the role of an astronaut in the near future, called Roy McBride. The pioneer is characterized by the strength of his temper and stability under psychological pressure, and has the determination and determination to stay in a job cost him his marriage to Yves (Liv Tyler in a symbolic role, through retrospective scenes).

Roy is the son of astronaut Clifford McBride (Tommy Lee Jones), who raised his son on the values ​​of hard work and control of nerves and emotions, and turned into a legend when the news of his death spread, having lost his ship 16 years after the start of his expedition at the tip of the solar system , Near the planet Neptune.

In the opening scene, Roy is attached to a space station the size of a skyscraper, part of which works. Suddenly the station is shaken by waves of energy or electrical storms flowing from a mysterious place in space, and Roy falls free to the ground.

His superiors tell him of his doubts about his father's death, their perception that he is still alive somewhere in the depths of space, and most importantly and most seriously their perception that he is behind those mysterious events (waves of flowing and destructive energy), which they expect that if they continue they will destroy the solar system and the whole of humanity. These suspicions were reinforced by the fact that investigations into the source of the incidents revealed that they came from Neptune, where the Lima project, supervised by Roy's father, disappeared.

Roy's mission is to go where his father's van disappeared, find him and confront him. Once the voyage starts from Earth, the moon, Mars and Neptune, the emotional void that was apparent on the man's face begins to disappear as his chances of finding his father increase, as well as doubts that his bosses do not tell him all the truth.

"AD Astra" is an impressive film that causes you to be overwhelmed by the way it was filmed and directed. The film presents various interpretations of the topics previously raised in science fiction and space films. We do not say that the film is entirely original, but the artistic vision is definitely new.

Gray is clearly influenced by characters from other films that resonate here.For example, the story of a son's search for his missing father, who may have been kidnapped or disappeared of his own free will, is well known in Hollywood, and has been repeated in many different contexts, but the most famous figure is Colonel Walter Kurtz, a high-ranking officer Decorations from the US armed forces, decided to defect from them in Cambodia, during the Vietnam War that we saw in Frances Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, 1979.

The character of Clifford McBride, in this film, looks reproduced from the film Coppola, taking into account the differences in the story. Roy is in a difficult position. He must appeal to his father from Mars, and if the latter does not respond, the Lima nuclear weapons project will be ordered to be destroyed.

There are also echoes of Stanley Kubrick's most famous and most important film in science fiction cinema, known as “2001,” and we say again that Gray doesn't reproduce as much as he borrows, then adds his distinctive vision. The film has a strange and entirely new spectacle of science fiction, which is on the moon that has turned into a human colony, which contains commercial projects (yes you will see something similar to the mall on the moon). Before Roy arrives on the moon, a character tells him that the object turned into something like the chaos of the American West!

It won't be long before we see the scene of a gang chasing Roy on the moon, like a scene from Mad Max. A scene we will remember as a beautiful addition to the genre films. Not to mention another terrifying scene of a monkey attack, we will not reveal more.

Veteran Donald Sutherland plays Roy's father's friend, who accompanies him for mysterious reasons, either to direct him or to watch him. Ruth Nigga acts as a victim of personal reasons, hating Roy's father, and her complex reasons to help him in his mission.

Gray employs Brad Bit's voice as the main narrative tool for the film, as well as footage of the actor's face that fills the entire screen frame, and the entire film is clearly carried on the shoulders of his star. After the end of the film the viewer may feel that the experience as a whole is like a beautiful dream, or a terrifying nightmare!

The hero of the film deserves to be nominated for the Best Actor Award (he may be nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role in "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"), and "AD Astra" deserves to be nominated for the best film. . This film is a science fiction masterpiece, and worth watching.

• The entire film is carried on the shoulders of its star, and after the end of the film the viewer may feel that the experience as a whole is like a beautiful dream or a terrifying nightmare!

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