The Chunichi Shimbun “Bought to Buy” The Fair Trade Commission recommends September 20, 18:22

Fair trade that Chunichi Shimbun, headquartered in Nagoya, was “buying” to pay outsourcing fees without adding a tax increase to outside contractors even after the consumption tax rate was raised to 8%. The committee made a recommendation to pay for the tax increase. The unpaid amount is about 145 million yen in total.

According to the Japan Fair Trade Commission, the Chunichi Shimbun, after the consumption tax rate was raised to 8% in 2014, sent articles and illustrations to the outside contractor, as well as transportation to newspaper outlets. It means that the commission was paid without adding the 3% tax increase.

There are 2500 contractors such as manga artists and illustrators, and the unpaid amount is about 145 million yen.

According to the Fair Trade Commission, some of the contractors said, “I wanted to add a tax increase, but I couldn't request it because I lost my partner.

Based on the Special Act on Consumption Tax Passing Measures, the Fair Trade Commission has made recommendations for payment of increased taxes and prevention of recurrence, etc.

This is the second recommendation to a newspaper company based on this law.

Chunichi Shimbun commented, “Since there was a lack of awareness of the Special Measures Law, we apologize and inconvenience those who should be transferred. We will pay the difference promptly.”