Plastic bags Charged at all stores In principle, thin sachets such as fresh food will be excluded on September 21 4:43

The government has stated that it will require retailers to charge for plastic bags to reduce plastic waste. The ministerial ordinance has been revised, and as a general rule, all shops will be charged, but thin small bags for fish and meat products will be excluded.

Regarding the charge for plastic bags, the government has shown a policy of making it mandatory from April next year at the earliest, but the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry have compiled the outline for introduction.

According to this, the ministerial ordinance of the “Container and Packaging Recycling Law” has been revised to obligate all stores to charge for plastic bags as a general rule, and prices will be set by each store.

On the other hand, thin small bags for fish and meat products are excluded from the charge because they are also sanitary.

In addition, since the burden is large for small-scale stores, we are also considering some kind of consideration such as setting up a grace period.

The Ministry of the Environment, etc. presents this proposal at a review meeting by experts on 26th of this month, listens to its opinions, and further considers it, then informs the public and businesses about the start of charging from April next year. I am going to go.