Effective charcoal is one of the most important therapeutic elements of the skin, as its popularity within the beauty industry highlights its strength, effectiveness and obvious impact on the skin, and fight against the various daily factors that affect it, such as vehicle exhaust toxins, sunlight and chemicals.

The daily effects on the skin, imbalance in the secretions of oils, contribute to the appearance of acne, and many other skin problems, which means the need for the skin to get rid of toxins regularly, and here comes the role of coal, which can be used preventively or therapeutically.

Although active charcoal has appeared in cosmetics and cosmetics in the therapeutic lines in the recent period, but its elements and importance have been discovered a long time ago, and used for medical purposes for thousands of years.


The active charcoal was first mentioned in 3750 BC, specifically in ancient Egypt, where it was discovered that wood-burning charcoal columns were preserved even if flooded with water, that is, coal and water do not mix. From this discovery, the ancient Egyptians reached its medical uses, and used it as an anti-wound, in addition to being a helpful in solving digestive problems.

The ancient sailors also used active charcoal to preserve and protect water quality by storing it in charcoal-burned wooden barrels to keep it safe to drink even during long journeys.This discovery evolved in modern times and water is kept in filters of active charcoal.


Effective charcoal is a special type of carbon, usually made from coconut husk, bamboo, willow peat, charcoal or wood. The 'active' part comes from placing coal at very high temperatures (from 600 ° C to 1,200 ° C), giving it a sponge structure. , And makes it ideal for removing impurities.

It is also antibacterial and anti-fungal, which speeds up the healing process, and its characteristics capture the bacteria and daily oils that we are exposed to, making it an ideal addition when adopted as a mask for deep cleansing, after the stage of facial peeling.


Himalaya skin experts say that «active charcoal works to remove toxins accumulated in the deep pores clogged, and it is also effective in balancing skin oils, by allowing the active charcoal to remove excess oils from the skin, it helps to rebalance naturally, which makes "Your skin feels fresh and soft."

The experts added that the effective charcoal benefits of gentle exfoliation, as it helps «get rid of dead skin cells, which leads to remove impurities and soften the skin, in addition to antibacterial properties», which means the importance of active charcoal as an indispensable element of the skin, with the importance of using it periodically At least two to three times a week, especially after gentle peeling of the skin based on organic home exfoliation products, for a more effective charcoal mask.


BC was mentioned

Active coal

for the first time.

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