At the microphone of Anne Roumanoff, singer Black M spoke on his new album, called Once Upon a Time, released on September 13th. After three years of absence, this latest opus brings together artists and themes that have always been close to his heart.


Invited in the show Ça fait du bien , the singer Black M, former member of the rap group Sexion d'Assaut, came Thursday to present his new album, It was once , available since September 13.

>>> READ ALSO - Anne Roumanoff at Black M: "Thank you for changing my life"

For the rapper, this third opus, released after three years of absence, is clearly distinguishable from others. "I worked every text like a real feeling without trying to make radio hits, I really focused on what I like," says the Guinean singer, at the microphone of Anne Roumanoff.

He has, for example, written songs on topics close to his heart, such as Lucien , which focuses on school bullying or Waltz the Life , about the homeless.

"Return to the source"

The 34-year-old singer may have matured since his beginnings in the 2000s, but admits to having felt a little apprehensive. "The day before, I was very stressed but for once, I really went back to the source of what I like to do, I'm much more confident and I really like to talk about this album," says Black M. For the first album, I was in doubt and for the second, I wanted to surf on the success of the first so I went without calculating too much, "recalls the singer, who compares his career to a" fairy tale " who does not stop ".

The album Once Upon a Time also brought together several artists that Black M has met over the course of his artistic career. The singer has worked extensively with the artist Vianney to write this album, which he considers a "connoisseur of French rap".

Other artists have also collaborated with Black M, such as Heuss L'enfoiré, Soolking, PLK or the duo Bigflo & Oli.