On Europe 1, the rheumatologist François Rannou evokes osteoarthritis and the solutions that exist against this widespread disease.


Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases in France. Between 5 and 10 million patients suffer from symptoms. In Without appointment on Europe 1, the rheumatologist François Rannou, head of the rehabilitation department of the hospital Cochin returns on the solutions to reduce the pains.

"Weight is fundamental for osteoarthritis of the knee and digital osteoarthritis"

Osteoarthritis. Almost everyone has heard of this "joint disease that affects both bone, cartilage and synovial tissue". "We have a mixture of inflammation and degradation, even destruction," said François Rannou. A painful disease that affects the elderly but also young people who have done a lot of sport.

There is no miracle pill to cure osteoarthritis, but it can slow down. "Non-pharmacological means include not growing or losing weight," says the rheumatologist. "Weight is fundamental for osteoarthritis of the knee and digital osteoarthritis", insists the specialist. Another non-medicated way is to move your body while playing sports. But no matter how, since an activity too intensive risk, on the contrary, to affect your joints. The best thing to do is to build a strategy with a doctor or even a sports doctor. "Improving the fitness of patients improves the experience of all diseases," said François Rannou.

Cellular and tissue therapies

In terms of disease research, the most promising leads are towards cell and tissue therapies. "It's about remaking fabric with cells that we will try to take in a place where it is as simple as possible", details the head of the rehabilitation department of the hospital Cochin. Another solution, coming from across the Atlantic, medicated side this time: a pill with a long lasting effect. "This is the last drug that has had a marketing authorization in the United States, (...) an anti-pain that will act eight months, a year or two," says the professor.