A study has found that drinking tea can be beneficial to the brain and is a defense line against age-related cognitive decline.

Researchers say that regular tea consumption can be a simple lifestyle choice and boost brain health.

In the study, 30 adults over the age of 60 were asked to take part in a range of cognitive tests.

The researchers, led by a team from the National University of Singapore, performed an MRI of the volunteers.

"Our results provide the first evidence of the positive contribution of tea drinking to the brain structure," said Dr. Feng Lei, lead researcher in the study.

Dr. Lee said: "Take the example of road traffic as an example - consider brain regions as destinations, while the links between regions are roads. Between more structured brain regions, information processing can be done more efficiently. "

It is believed that the study also included a team from the Universities of Cambridge and Essex, and is the first of its kind, where no other studies have examined the impact of tea on the brain networks.