An Egyptian masseur uses fire to relieve the pain of the pioneers of his recreation center in Gharbia Governorate in the Nile Delta.

Abdul Rahim Saeed, 35, applies an ancient pharaonic technique known as a “fire towel” that starts with a normal massage, then uses oil and chamomile to stimulate blood circulation and relieve pain in the targeted areas.

Next comes the heat, so Said puts several layers of towels and other insulating materials on the client's back. Then he puts a towel on top of which he pours alcohol, and then ignites the fire.

Leave the towel on for about a minute before turning it off with another towel soaked in water.

"It is a type of massage," said Said. "It is called a fiery massage. It is listed under massage, massage or friction." "I am in contact with the human body or I am in formal contact, close contact, between me and the body and the human being with me."
Said explains that this technique absorbs moisture from the body.

Said points out that there are taboos with this technique, explaining that it can not be used with people suffering from high blood pressure or kidney failure or hemophilia (blood thinners).

"There are prohibitions that we always warn about," he said. Of course we appreciate that we take an idea of ​​the condition of the person who comes to us. We ask the first about his health if fit with him that we are working Hanchtl, does not suit him according to our study we do not do this way of treatment ».
Said added that he was trained by an expert in the technique of fire towel in Morocco, and received many degrees in the field of massage from institutes in Egypt.

A client at the Said Center, Mohamed al-Sha'er, in his thirties, said his pain improved 100 percent after the treatment.

"Almost 100% disagree, thank God, Lord of the Worlds. The first one I was praying and I was sitting, I was not able to pray, I was dropping from the Arab (car) Motti, not able to tighten my body once and I was living from Arabic. Now (Praise be to Allaah), God came down from Arabic, from the first session and the second session. In the name of God, God willing, I mean my body gets better. There was laziness and there was no laziness in it, thank God. ''