"Artificial intelligence will be a great turning point, improving the efficiency of many sectors, including education, and enabling us to create high-value services that can lead to inclusive economic growth."

(Dan Ayoub, General Manager, Microsoft AI Education)

Self-driving cars, aircraft simulation systems, automated disease diagnostics and care robots for the elderly are all the product of the rapid pace of innovation in AI, which will redefine the future of the labor market in the past few years. The field of artificial intelligence alone is expected to create more than 50 million new jobs in the near future, a significant golden opportunity. So if you are interested in AI and are looking to enter the job market and secure a future job in one of the fastest growing areas, you can do so for free with the professional certificate in AI that we review in this report.

What professional certificate in artificial intelligence?

The AI ​​Certificate is an educational certificate offered free of charge by IBM, the leading computer and software industry, in collaboration with the Coursera e-learning platform. The certificate aims to teach students everything related to the field of artificial intelligence from the basics and skills and devices to applications and thorny issues related to it. Though aimed at scientists, data analysts, process analysts, risk managers and machine learning engineers, it is open to all and requires no prior experience in these areas. The certificate consists of a series of training courses offered by a group of experienced scientists and trainers working in the research and development departments of the company are:

First Course: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

What artificial intelligence really? What does machine learning or deep learning mean? And what neural networks? Well, all of this and more will be introduced to you in this simplified course, which requires no computer science or programming experience, and is an introduction to the basics of artificial intelligence. The course consists of 4 weeks with a total of 9 hours of study and a weekly effort of not more than 2 hours. The course focuses on the definition of what artificial intelligence and its various terms, and discover its applications and use cases.

"This course is the best foundation course in AI and exploring its applications. It has given me a clear understanding of machine learning, deep learning and some advanced mathematics concepts."

The course will also address the various issues and concerns surrounding the field of artificial intelligence such as ethics, prejudice and the future of jobs, and provide expert advice on how to learn artificial intelligence correctly and get a distinctive profession in it. By the end of the course you will be able to understand what AI is and its various applications, its role in changing our lives, understanding terms related to machine learning, deep learning and neural networks, as well as describing the many ethical issues and concerns surrounding this field. To join this course from here.

Course 2: Start artificial intelligence using the Watson system

IBM Watson (networking sites)

After learning what AI, its applications and concepts are related to during the previous course, this course begins with a step-by-step approach to the application angles in the fields of AI. It consists of 4 weeks of study with a 2-3 hour effort for a total of 8 hours. It focuses on introducing the Watson system, how it works and its use cases, with examples of real-life system uses.

"A very amazing course that not only helped me learn what Watson has to offer, but also helped me learn about its applications and how to change the artificial intelligence of companies and make them more effective and efficient"

Watson is an artificial intelligence computing system for answering questions, developed by IBM to apply advanced natural language processing, information retrieval, knowledge representation, machine thinking, and the application of machine learning techniques in answering open questions. By the end of the course you will become familiar with Watson and be able to use its services that enable you to easily apply AI to create smart applications. To join this course from here.

Cycle 3: Building chat robots supported by artificial intelligence without programming

Over the past few years, chatbots have stepped up aggressively on the Internet, and have begun to be used and used by most websites and social media pages, especially Facebook. Now, chat robots have become one of the fastest growing AI applications on the scene, requiring the addition of new functions and additions daily, opening the door to distinct career opportunities in this direction. This is where the course is designed to teach students how to create useful chat robots without having to learn programming or writing code.

"This course is very fun, creating chat robots is a really fun experience. This course has completely changed my view of chat robots."

The course consists of 3 weeks of study, each of which requires a study effort ranging from 3 to 5 hours, a total of 9 hours during which focuses on utilizing the natural language processing capabilities of the Watson system in the establishment of chat robots, while learning how to plan, implement, test and deploy these robots, Learn how to visually create chat robots using Watson Assistant, and learn how to deploy them on your website. To join the course and join over 85,000 learners from here.

Fourth session: Python language for data science and artificial intelligence

Python is a multi-purpose explanatory programming language that is widely used in many fields, from software fields such as building independent programs and web programs, controlling the performance of or building various programs, and even more complex areas such as data science and artificial intelligence. This course is a simplified introduction to beginner students who have no knowledge of software languages. It teaches them all about Python for software in general and data science and artificial intelligence in particular.

“Well, every week of this course has presented an amazing and interesting challenge. I am happy to have attended this course, so I strongly recommend it to those interested in data science”

The course consists of 5 weeks of study, each of which requires a study effort of not more than two hours for a total of 9 hours. By the end of the course you will become familiar with the basics of Python and its related expressions and variables, able to recognize and work with Python data structures and programming basics, as well as the use of Python in artificial intelligence applications. To join the course and join over 69,000 learners from here.

Fifth Course: Building Artificial Intelligence Applications with Watson APIs

This course focuses on teaching students how to build AI applications using Watson UI applications. The course consists of 6 weeks of study with a weekly effort of 2-3 hours totaling 14 hours. The first weeks begin with the techniques that will be used during the course, while the last weeks focus on introducing Watson system services and tools that can be used to extract insights from large amounts of data. Unstructured.

By the end of the course you will be able to write AI applications based on many of the Watson's AI services, such as the Speech API that detects texts, converts spoken speech into written texts and vice versa, as well as learn best practices in combining Watson system services, And how to build interactive information retrieval systems. To join the course from here.

Course 6: Introduction to Computer Vision using Watson and Open CV Systems

The field of computer vision is one of the most exciting fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning, as it aims to build applications of artificial intelligence capable of understanding the content of images as understood by man, and has different applications in many industries ranging from the industry of self-driving cars and robots, through augmented reality technologies, Even facial recognition techniques in law enforcement agencies. This simplified course, an introduction aimed at beginners, attempts to take a closer look at the field of computer vision and its various applications.

“This course is one of the best courses offered by IBM. I enjoyed modeling computer vision and related projects in particular, just as I enjoyed the way the team designed this course.”

The course consists of 4 weeks of study with a weekly effort ranging from 3 to 4 hours totaling 13 hours, during which focuses on discovering the field of computer vision and its uses and its various applications in many industrial, medical and legal trends, in addition to the use of many techniques and tools in image processing and interaction with models Classification such as: Python programming language, Watson artificial intelligence system and OpenCV. To join the course from here.

Seventh Course: Machine Learning with Python

"This course is very useful, I have presented smoothly easy to follow, and I have explained many complex concepts that have enhanced my experience with programming skills"

This course aims to learn the basics of machine learning using Python programming language which is one of the most popular and easy to learn programming languages. The course consists of 5 weeks of study, each of which requires a weekly effort of 3 to 6 hours of study with a total of 15 hours. By the end of the course, you will become aware of the importance of machine learning and its various topics such as supervised education, algorithms and machine evaluation, and how to apply machine learning to real-world real-world examples, and be able to see how machine learning affects society in various ways you never imagined. To join the course and join over 46,000 learners here.

Session 8: Using Spark in Machine-Scalable Learning on Big Data

Apache Spark (Websites)

This course aims to teach students how to use Apache Spark for big data and artificial intelligence. Apache Spark is an open-source, general-purpose cluster computing framework that provides a complete clustered API with parallel data implication, and employs more than 3,500 researchers and developers. The course consists of 4 weeks of study, each of which requires a study effort of 3 to 4 hours per week for a total of 14 hours.

By the end of this course you will be able to solve any data science problem using Spark, able to bypass CPU and memory and storage constraints by using large-sized arithmetic groups, write parallel code, run thousands of CPUs, and use expressions From SQL and convert them into graphs for enhanced dynamic execution. To join the course from here.

In conclusion, the certificate includes some additional practical courses that contain practical projects that will become available only after the completion of all previous courses. Therefore, in order to make the most of this professional certification, you must complete all previous courses and solve tests and exercises in order. You can also get IBM certified certification free of charge through the support provided by the Coursera platform.