A woman in the UK married a tree. And I want to say: “Wild”, but at the same time I want to say: “That's right.” And remember that every day we are farther from God. But closer to the ground, as well as to trees.

The woman is 34 years old, her name is Kate, and she wants to take her husband's surname. New husband - a tree. A tree is an elder, in English elder.

The ceremony was modest, took place in the Rimrose Valley Park near Liverpool, of the invited were Kate's father, her lover, her two children.

Now, of course, questions arise: how will her lover get along with her new husband? Will the husband have to adopt her children? After all, who in bed will be a log?

Kate herself says that everyone supported her, her father helped prepare the wedding. The groom predictably did not run away. It seems that the woman did all this, guided by a desire to help the environment. There they gathered through the park to pave the road, which means that something is cut down. But apparently, she is not supposed to chop her husband a subject of Her Royal Majesty. A happy (for some time) romantic story is a woman with a lover, two children and a tree.

Another woman - for some reason also from the UK - bought a candlestick in an online store, restored it and fell in love. She declared herself an object-filler (or is it correct to write “object-phylos”?) And decided to marry this restored candelabrum. I don’t know yet what ended there: is there advice for the young and love? Did they buy the bride out, did the groom drink from her shoe, did they throw a bouquet into the crowd of unmarried friends - friends who had not yet met their own, the same candelabrum?

For some reason, it is considered good practice to tell children that they can achieve everything they want, that they can become anyone, you only have to wish.

Firstly, this is not true. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Remember the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment? In 1960, scientists Walter Michel and Ebbe B. Ebbesen conducted a study in which more than 600 primary school children took part. The children were offered marshmallows, candy, cookies for one cent and right now or the same thing, but in double or tenfold size, but after a while - after 15 minutes, tomorrow, after a week.

The children were divided into two groups - those who ate something small and tasty immediately, and those who were ready to wait to get the same, but in larger quantities.

Scientists monitored the lives of subjects for a decade and a half and found that those who showed patience and restraint in childhood achieved more in life - they opened their own business, correctly managed investments, made money.

And those who agreed on less, but at once, did not achieve any success in life.

The conclusion was obvious - so, so, you just have to learn to wait, you just have to force yourself to be collected, reasonable and disciplined, and you will achieve everything!

But more recently, this experiment was exposed. It turned out that scientists did not adjust for the origin of the children. Those who had rich parents, and achieved the greatest success, because they received a good education, had access to resources, talked with the right people. And of course, for children from wealthy families, sweetie was not something causing an irresistible desire.

And the poor kids grabbed the candy, and then returned to their impoverished apartments, where their parents rejoiced that they were paid $ 20 for participating in the experiment.

So: unfortunately, it is impossible to become anyone.

And secondly (if you remember, five paragraphs back was “first”) - it turns out that many people understand the promise to become who they want, not as a motivation to fly into space or earn the first $ 30 million in honest labor, but as an opportunity to become a wife of a tree, to define yourself as a non-binary transgender, or just being one who completely falls out of social discourse and constantly whines.

Say, the British artist Anthony Ekundayo Lennon decided to become black. He himself and his whole family are white, come from Ireland. But it was Anthony who needed to become black. And not physically, but mentally. He said that from now on he defines himself as a dark-skinned, and even received a grant of £ 100 thousand pounds, intended for actors - representatives of national minorities.

After that, the artist was white outside, but black soul, that he was faced with monstrous pressure on racial soil on both sides. The whites tell him that he is a scoundrel who is trying to earn media and money capital. Blacks simply blame him for racism because you cannot be black if you are white. It would seem that the idea is not that new, but has not yet reached all.

I observe people who think they can saddle life by abandoning the rules that have arisen naturally: they want to give up their gender, want to give up their nationality and skin color, want to give up work, which they call exclusively office slavery. They say that they are childfree, that is, they give up all responsibility, completely free their time, their consciousness and their life.

But for some reason they continue to look for free psychotherapists, ask them to be prescribed antidepressants, and also post on the social networks the details of their cards so that they are transferred 100 rubles for their activism.

It would seem that they did everything to save themselves from the factors that prevent them from being happy - from family, slavery, responsibility, sexual determination and place in society. Live for your own pleasure! Why are you so unhappy? Why can't you be happy? Why do you need to marry a tree, change your skin color mentally or engage in tearful activism for 100 rubles?

Because a person, in principle, cannot be anyone, especially if he refuses to be a person.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.