Support for operating a foreign consultation office

In accordance with the expansion of acceptance of foreigners working in Japan, the Immigration Bureau will grant subsidies to all desired local governments in order to support the establishment and operation of a single point of contact for foreigners. It was.

In line with the increasing acceptance of foreigners working in Japan, the Immigration and Residential Administration will support local governments with more than 10,000 foreigners in order to support the establishment and operation of a single point of contact for foreigners. The subsidy is paid up to 10 million yen.

However, since there were a series of requests from local governments that did not meet the requirements, the Immigration Bureau will issue subsidies to all the local governments that wish to do so. It was.

Depending on the number of foreigners living in the municipality that wishes to be issued, 2 million to 10 million yen will be paid, so the Immigration and Immigration Management Agency will establish consultation desks in more local governments Therefore, I want to enhance the acceptance system for foreigners working in Japan.