With the summer holidays over, children across the country are preparing to return to school, including psychological and physical stress after a relatively long vacation. Valiant Clinic offers tips to turn back to school into an easy experience for parents and children.

Change routine

After two long months spent playing, staying and traveling, children will have to change their daily routines, adjust their sleep schedule, get used to getting up early, and will also have to stimulate their minds and provide them with all the information they need as a new academic year begins. Anxiety is associated with the need to get used to a new classroom, new students, new teachers, and young children will have difficulty getting away from their parents again, and may show what are known as "symptoms of separation anxiety."

Parents can work to help their children deal with these problems, by adopting simple procedures. Starting to get used to the school routine, after the end of the holiday season, as well as reviewing some subjects, will help children adjust their sleep. Their participation in the purchase of school supplies for the New Year will give them some enthusiasm and ease their anxiety.

Common problem

Experts believe that separation anxiety is more of a problem for parents than for children. “We usually talk to the parents of the children about this issue, and we assure them that it is part of the developmental stage of their children, that the child will be fine later, and then help them Reassure their child that his parents are always at his side, when he needs them, and it is natural for him to worry. “Guiding activities, such as visiting school and making friends in advance, can help alleviate children's anxiety,” he says.

Climate change

As climate changes from hot to mild, it is normal for diseases associated with this stage of the year to spread, such as colds, flu, foot-and-mouth disease and tonsillitis. It is very important to teach children the principles of maintaining hygiene and good practices associated with them, eating properly, and conducting vaccinations for them, if needed.

"The problem with influenza infection is not only caused by severe and long-term illness, but also by complications that can result, such as pneumonia or kidney inflammation, liver complications, and other conditions that can lead to the patient," Dr. Atassi said. To the intensive care unit, or even cause death (129 cases of child flu were reported in the United States last season).

Side effects

Vaccines can produce some mild side effects, such as pain, redness or swelling, headache, fever, and in rare cases fainting, and severe arm pain. Worldwide, there are two types of influenza vaccines: live and dead vaccines. In the UAE, only the dead vaccine is used, meaning there is no risk of infection from the vaccine itself. Vaccination of children can be started from six months of age, and vaccination should continue to be adopted every year, until the age of 18.