Thursday, in "Without appointment", on Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc talks about masturbation within the couple.


Tina, 51, would like to understand why her husband masturbates often, despite regular and satisfying sexuality. Is not that enough for him? Does it hurt? Is it the reflection of an obsession? On Thursday, in Sans rendez-vous, Europe's health show 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc explains how to combine desire and motherhood.

Does Tina have to worry?

"Masturbation has nothing to do with relationship and coitus, these are two different sex stories, the pleasure of caressing is easy for a man.His sexual organ being outside, he often puts it back and when he touches it is nice, so why would not it be a little more? Quite naturally, since childhood, it is a gesture that the majority of men has quite simply.After, what is it going to tell Is it simply a pleasure story between self and self, like when a woman enjoys touching her hair? "

Should the spouse masturbate in secret?

"He can do it secretly if he wants to, his sex belongs to him.To do it in front of Tina might be violence, which can see something extremely aggressive and exclusion.If he wants to masturbate, it only look at him, unless it's part of an erotic game between them, and since it's a story between him and him, it's hard to see what Tina would have to do in there. "

Do all men masturbate regularly?

"We can not do generalities, people erotise the couple's relationship enormously, and put all their sexuality in the couple.For those, masturbation does not interest them.Everyone does not masturbate, but men are more likely because they have an easier relationship to their gender, but many women feel that they do not have a sex that does not remember their good memories all the time. breasts as their sex, and men touch their sex more than their breasts. "

From what rhythm can we consider masturbation as pathological?

"I really like this expression, 'masturbation makes you deaf', in fact, it's false and it's true, it does not affect the hearing organs at all, but from the moment masturbation makes you deaf. to the other, well we can actually talk about something that is wrong, who is running away from the other.

So, you have people who will seek, especially on the internet, excitement elsewhere. They are thus emerging from an idea of ​​dependency to the other, and they are in excitations that they master and that they seek. It's a bit like a sugar shoot that calls another sugar shoot, endlessly. There we are in addiction that they can no longer work, because you have to stop to masturbate, they are tired in the morning because they masturbated. It can be disabling in their sexuality, and they suffer. These men know very well that things are not right. "

Is not the solution to ask the husband to masturbate in front of her?

"It's not a problem, but it's a problem for Tina, who thinks something is missing, it's like a mom who cooks and does not want her child to eat anything else. one can not always feed the other, the other can feed the other.The penis of his man belongs to his man, not to her. "