New research led by skin specialist at the UK's Glo Skin Beauty Foundation, Amanda von Deem Hagen, shows that some foods contain nutrients that help skin repair and regenerate itself, and the number of antioxidants in the blood decreases when skin is exposed to sunlight, It is therefore important to ensure that these nutrients are consistently present in your diet.

She explained that some foods, especially those in the salad can add internal protection against sun stings and wrinkles at the cellular level, adding that many of the components that can be consumed from food with different protective effects, and most mechanisms relate to antioxidants and anti-aging compounds in Foods that fight skin damage in different ways.

The skin specialist suggested the most important foods that she says help prevent sun damage:

1- Mushrooms:
It is an edible dark brown fungus that contains one of the highest elements of selenium.These minerals are essential for making one of the body's most effective antioxidants, glutathione peroxidase, which fights harmful compounds called free radicals that form in the skin during sun exposure.
This fungus is also a great source of B vitamins and is essential for creating new, youthful skin cells.

Pomegranate has a high content of antioxidants and scientists have found it offers anti-inflammatory benefits.

They also discovered that the nutrients found in pomegranates could reduce the ability of ultraviolet light to damage skin cells.

Pomegranate seed oil protects against skin cancer thanks to ellagic acid, an antioxidant that contains large amounts of polymers in pomegranate, which research has found prevents the growth of skin tumors.

Cherry is the best source of antioxidant melatonin, a hormone that protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, and researchers have found it helps to repair sunburned skin because it stimulates the growth of new skin cells.

Cherries are also a great source of vitamin C and are essential for building collagen.

4- Tomato:
Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants called lycopene, which protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays and are anti-inflammatory, which means to soothe any redness caused by prolonged stay in the sun.

5. Carrot:
The carrots are filled with beta-carotene, a substance that not only protects against sun damage but can also help repair it because it has sunscreen properties.

Carrots also contain biotin, a type of vitamin B that promotes healthy hair and fast nail growth.