August 27th 4:09 on request of budget by participating in the monthly gateway "Gateway"

The MEXT has decided to include a total of approximately 15 billion yen in the budget request for the next fiscal year as a cost to participate in the new gateway "Gateway" that the moon advances around the moon.

The new space station "Gateway" orbiting the moon is aiming for completion around the year 2026, and the United States is calling for participation in each country.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has solidified its policy of including approximately 15 billion yen in the budget request for the next fiscal year as a cost for participation in the gateway. Among them, about 10.8 billion yen was recorded as an expense to improve the unmanned space transport ship "Kounotori" to deliver goods to the gateway, and unmanned space exploration in cooperation with India Approximately 1.2 billion yen is included for the development of exploration vehicles, and approximately 600 million yen is included for the development of equipment related to life support for astronauts using the gateway.

This is the first time that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has included a full-scale budget for participation in the gateway as a rough demand.